Sole Burdens

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"They took him. Where did they take him?!" Prince Chance grabbed the cloth above her shoulder.

Gavin told him about the messenger and how it was closely related to Prince Abason's disappearance.

Angel squirmed under his breath as he wrenched his hand on her shoulder. She felt the cloth pinch her in the form of a rope burn as he twisted it.

His eyes pierced as they shrunk into fine lines and she noticed the look on his face towards her arm. Her hand left the spot on the bed next to her and plastered a reflex to his face. She was gripping the covers, and she held her gaze too long that she couldn't hold the want to hit him any longer.

Plus, he kept asking her a question she didn't know how to answer.

He became furious as his head swung to the side. His grip still held on her shoulder and he felt the want to rip it. He yanked her into a fast thrust and Angel hit the back head board.

Her head began to throb as she tried figuring out about who "they" were. She didn't plan whatever it was. Frankly, she didn't plan as much within the span of 3 days leave-and-back trip that she wanted to have.

"I don't know what you're talking about." She said as she gripped the bed again.

"Don't lie to me."

She didn't say anything.

"Do you know what you just did?" He confronted her again throwing a thrust below her neck.

"Stop. Just listen." She grinded her teeth.

She put her arm up for a short term defence.

He pulled her arm away from its position, and flung it. Clearly, he took the action differently.

"You better have an answer for me. I'm getting tired of asking." He grabbed some of her hair and used it to lift her face up to his face. "Cause I'm done." His face neared hers with his eyes still blue afire and blazed. "There's some serious consequences..." he twisted his hand to her head, "if you don't tell me what happened."

She just stared at him. Blankly. She could tell that she was starting to get on his nerves. But what was she supposed to say?

She didn't know.

His hand left her hair, but his gaze and presence never left. He waited for a word, a twitch from her lips, or a beginning breath of explanation.


She looked away from his eyes after trying to hold its gaze. Her eyes naturally squeezed, a small tinge, and he spotted that she was not going to say a word.

"You have got to be kidding me." The Prince looked away as if he thought of her despicably. He wanted to throw something at her, but he felt that his anger was rising at an inconsiderate pace.

He looked at her again.

"Nothing?!" He paused, air escaping his mouth. "You have nothing to say?!"

He didn't want it to come to a higher level punishment and he wished the girl was never alive in the first place.

He didn't want her dead. Yet.

He hated the fact that he even got to know her a little bit.

Easier to kill someone when you degrade them, lower them in your eyes, as well have the opposition of others by your side.

That's how it worked in some places.

You ruin their humanity, tell yourself that they are not beings, but animals or slaves.

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