Chapter 15: Confrontation

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//Danielle's P.O.V.\\
I hate that girl that is trying to steal my boyfriend, Kendall. I saw the picture that Dustin posted on Kendall's Instagram and I just started to pour my anger out. I began to send that b!*ch hate and threats because I hate her so much! Kendall is mine not hers! All of a sudden I noticed that someone had replied to those comments. I noticed that the reply was from Kenny my love. He told me to meet him somewhere and he sent me the address through DM. I can't believe he is actually going to tell me that he finally has fallen in love with me and wants to marry me! Eep this is very exciting. I can't wait!

//Logan's P.O.V.\\
Kendall asked Carlos, James, and I for help and we agreed. He told us that he was going to go pick us up so that we could leave together. I was waiting for him to come pick me up. I was bored out of my mind when all of a sudden he rang the doorbell. "Hey Logan! Ready to go," he asked me. "Hey Kendall! Yeah let's go," I told him. We took our leave and I noticed that Carlos, James, and Lily were all in the car. No wonder he took long. Anyways we made our way to the place where Kendall told that crazy girl to meet up. I have a horrible feeling about this, but I am thinking positively and that everything will turn out alright. I just took a deep breath and looked outside the window. Oh no stupid paparazzi.

"What did you say Logan," asked James. "Look," was all I managed to say. "Oh my goodness," he said. "What is it," asked Kendall. He stopped at a red light. Carlos pointed outside the window. "Oh no what's the stupid paparazzi doing here?! We're screwed," he said. "Wait don't worry I have an idea. Kendall make a right turn here," Lily said. Kendall did as he was told and found a parking spot. Lily got out of the car and said that she was going to be right back. "Do you want me to go with you," Kendall asked. "No it's okay. I'll be back quickly," she told him. We waited for a bit and she came back as she had said.

Lily came back with two bags in her hand. "What you got there," asked James. She began to take out sunglasses, hats, and fake mustaches. "Here you guys need to go undercover," she said. "Wow thanks Lily. You're a lifesaver," we said in unison. "What about you," asked Kendall. "I'm going to wear this scarf wrapped around my head and these sunglasses," she said. "Nice," he told her. "Okay now let's go back," I said. "Yeah let's go," they said.

We got to the place and we saw that Danielle was already waiting there. She seemed a bit impatient. Put I could tell that she took a deep breath and tried to calm down. We got out of the car and we noticed that the paparazzi were still there, but they were distracted by other celebrities. Thank goodness. We still got out of the car in disguise just in case one of them notices us.

Kendall was the first one to get out of the car and he headed towards that crazy girl. She thought that he was alone, so she tried to kiss him but Kendall backed away from her. Lily saw this and she truly believed that Kendall was telling her the truth. We were hiding behind a tree and we were waiting for his signal.

//Kendall's P.O.V.\\
I was the first one to get out of the car and I headed towards Danielle. She hadn't recognized me so she was a bit startled when I talked to her. "Kenny is that really you," she asked. "Yes it's me. But I'm undercover because there are a bunch of paparazzi over there," I told her. "Oh okay. So what did you want to talk to me about? Did you finally realize that I'm the one who's meant for you? Are you going to propose," she asked getting close to me trying to kiss me. I moved back. "No, no not at all. I wanted to tell you that you need to understand that I don't like you. Stop making up scenarios in your head. I love Lily and you almost destroyed my relationship with her," I said. She only stared at me. "So you're breaking up with me," she asked me with tears in her eyes. "We were never dating Danielle," I told her starting to lose my patience. She came closer to me and put her hand to my cheek.

I gave Logan, James, Carlos, and Lily the signal. They understood and began to walk towards us, slowly. "I can't believe you prefer her over me," she said, tears starting to roll down her cheek. I wiped her tear because it was the only thing I could do to "comfort" her. She's crazy. She held my wrist firmly. "Look Danielle you need to understand that I have a girlfriend and that I need to make my life. I know that you're madly in love with me, but you need to accept that you and I will never be in a relationship. You're my number one fan, but you need to calm down, accept the reality, and quit living in a fantasy," I told her. "Okay Kendall," she told me sniffling. Then she tried to kiss me again, but that is when the guys and Lily got to us. "Do you understand now that you and Kendall will never and have never been in a relationship," asked Lily. "Yes I do. And I wanted to apologize to you. In sorry for those rude comments I posted on Instagram," she said. "It's fine. Just don't do it ever again," Lily told her. "I won't. I won't get in between your relationship anymore. I'm terribly sorry. I'm just a crazy fangirl. I won't let my fantasy get in the way of reality," she said. "Okay good," James said. "I'll let you guys go now. Bye and I'm sorry y'all," she said wiping away tears. "Bye," we said in unison. "I feel bad for her," Carlos said. "Me too, but she had to be brought back to reality," Logan said. "Agreed," James, Lily, Carlos, and I said. "Let's go home," Carlos said. "Yeah let's go," I said.

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