Chapter 7: I'm Feeling Adventurous

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//Kendall's P.O.V.\\
It's already been a week since Lily and I went to James's and Carlos's house. I feel like doing something adventurous. I'm going to text Lily and ask her if she wants to go on an adventure with me. "Hey Lily my love. Do you want to go on an adventure with me?" She replied immediately. "An adventure? Where to?"  I replied back quickly too. "How about a hike at Griffith Park?" I asked her. "Sure, I'd love that! It sounds fun!"  She said.  "Okay I'll pick you up in 10 minutes."  I told her. "Sounds good. :)"  She replied back and I replied with a smiley face.

I went to Lily's house and she was ready and she looked gorgeous. "Hey gorgeous," I told her. "Hey handsome," she told me. I gave her a sweet kiss and she smiled. "Ready to go," I asked her. "Definitely," she said. We got into my car and the drive there was quick because surprisingly there wasn't any traffic. IT WAS A MIRACLE! It's always packed there. We got there and we walked a lot and I took Lily on a trail that she told me she had never been on. We went there and I showed her up to where it went and we got really close to the Hollywood sign. We took a lot pictures and then we were about to leave, but Lily wanted to take in the view. Then all of a sudden a  fangirl approached me. Lily wasn't looking and it all happened so quickly that I didn't even know what to do.

"Oh my gosh Kendall can I take a picture with you," asked the girl. "Yeah sure," I told her. "Oh my gosh it's so good to feel you again," she said. "I'm sorry what," I asked her. "You don't remember me? We met last year and I asked you to be my boyfriend and you said yes," she told me way too excited. "I'm sorry you have the wrong person then," I told her. "No I don't Kenny! You clearly told me I even have the video," she said pulling out her phone and playing a fake video. "That clearly didn't happen and I have to go now," I told her. "Wait Kendall you can't leave me! I'm your girlfriend, Danielle. You can't tell me that you have forgotten about me already," she said grabbing my wrist. I pulled my hand from her grip getting angry now. I was about to get Lily and all of a sudden, this crazy girl grabbed me again and pulled me into a very deep kiss. That's when Lily turned around and was about to say that she was ready to go, but she couldn't finish her sentence because she was shocked. I was shocked too, but for some strange reason I couldn't push her fast enough.

"So this is what you do behind my back," Lily exclaimed. "Lily it's not what it looks like," I told her trying to explain. "Save it Schmidt," she told me coldly. That really hurt. "Lily let me explain she," I tried again, but she cut me off. "I already told you to save it Schmidt I don't want to hear your lies," she said. "If you could only hear me out," I said. "I can't believe you would say that you love me and then just play with my feelings like this by kissing this girl you don't even know," she said angrily getting teary eyes. My eyes began to get teary too. "I do love you! You're the only girl who gets me and the only girl I want to spend the rest of my life with! I didn't kiss her," I shouted. "Oh please quit lying! I just saw you kiss her! I'm leaving now," she shouted back. "No wait," I said grabbing her hand but she yanked it out of my grip. "It's okay Kendall, you still have me! At least we got rid of her," crazy girl said. "GET AWAY FROM ME! I don't even know you and thanks to you my relationship just got ruined," I shouted at her. "Geez it's not my fault that we're crazy in love! Don't shout at me it's not my fault," she said acting innocent. "I don't have time for this nonsense," I told her and was able to escape from her.

I ran and ran and I caught up to Lily. I didn't even care about my car at this moment. I could always come back for it later anyway. "Lily," I shouted. She began to sprint. I began to sprint too. "Lily I know that you can hear me," I shouted. She ran even faster and I wasn't able to catch her because I got very tired and I'm not a great runner as she is and then I lost her. I caught my breath and sadly walked back to get my car. It was a long walk there, but it didn't matter. I really hope she can hear what I have to tell her.

//Lily's P.O.V.\\

Kendall texted me saying that he was feeling adventurous and he said that we were going to go hiking. We went to the Griffith Park and surprisingly there was no traffic because we got there quickly. We had fun hiking and he took me on a trail I had never been before and it lead us to the Hollywood sign. We took a lot of pictures and the sun was beginning to set and Kendall wanted to leave already, but I told him that I wanted to take in the view. Suddenly, when I turn around I see him kissing a girl. I was shocked and I got so angry that the tears were about to come out of my eyes. He tried to "explain" to me what happened, but I know what I saw. He kissed that girl. He lied to me by saying that he loved me and that he wants to spend his life with me. I ran out of there after I shouted at him, but then he began to ran after me. "Lily," he shouted. I heard him, but I was too angry to answer him or even turn around let alone stop and talk with him. I began to sprint and he did too. "Lily I know that you can hear me," he shouted and I felt him getting close so I ran even faster. After a while, I lost him and I got home safely thank God, but I threw myself on the couch and I cried. I can't believe I was so stupid in trusting him, I should've never trusted him or even accepted to be his girlfriend. I wish I had a friend I could talk with. I can't talk with James, Carlos, or Logan because they will defend him. I can't even tell Olivia because she has been friends with them longer than she and I have been friends. I'm so stupid, I shouldn't have let this happen. I don't want to talk to Kendall anymore.

All of a sudden I got a text message. Oh great from Kendall. I didn't even read the text and I turned my phone off and put it on the coffee table. Then I grabbed something to eat because I got hungry and I turned on the tv and began to watch Dancing With the Stars. I don't care if he keeps texting me, I'm not going to turn my phone on and if I do, I will just ignore his messages.

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