Chapter 10: She Accepted My Apology!

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// Kendall's P.O.V.\\

I was just watching TV when all of a sudden, I get a phone call. I was about to ignore it, but I noticed that it was from Lily. I immediately picked up. "Hey Lily what's up," I asked her trying to sound happy, even though I was super sad. "I want to hear you out. I want to know the truth about what happened that day," she told him with a happy tone. I was shocked when I heard these words come out of her mouth. "Really," I asked her incredulously and a smile rose up on my face. "Yes really. 100 percent," she told me. I could feel that she was smiling. I didn't even know what to say, but I immediately came up with something. "That's great! How about we meet up at The Coffee Bean," I asked her. "Sure. What time," she told me. "How about in 15 minutes," I asked. "Okay," she told me. "See you then," I said. "See you," she said. With that we both hung up.

I got to The Coffee Bean and I noticed that Lily was in her car and I parked right next to her. I waved at her and she waved back. We both got out of our cars at the same time and headed into the café. I opened the door for her and we ordered our drinks, but before she paid, I paid for her. She stared at me and told me that I didn't have to do that. "I know, but that's just how much I love you and care for you," I told her looking deeply into her eyes. I could tell that she was getting lost in my eyes. I wanted to kiss her right there and then, but she killed the moment. "Calm down lover boy. We're still not together again, not until I hear your story anyway," she said. I immediately looked away from her eyes and crossed my arms. I let a little sigh out. Our orders were ready and we went to get them and we sat down at a table.

I told her everything that happened exactly how it happened. Lily told me that she saw me kiss that girl back, when she said those words, her eyes got really watery. I told her that I didn't kiss that crazy girl and she showed me a picture she took of me and that crazy girl, right when she kissed me. From the angle she took the picture it did look like I did kiss her. I explained to her and promised to her that I did not kiss her. "Okay I believe you," she told me. I smiled and thanked her and she smiled back at me. I told her that I love her and she told me that she loves me too. She apologized to me for acting the way she did and then I pulled her into a very passionate kiss. I had been dying to kiss her again. When our lips touched sparks flew and I got an amazing feeling inside me.

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