Chapter six - My lost dagger

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When I woke up I was no longer on the couch I was in a dark room. It must have been night time outside but I couldn't tell as the curtains in the room were drawn. The only hint I had it was night was that the clock on the bed-side table. It told me it was 3 AM, I didn't get it I coudn't have slept through the day, I never slept through the day. It just didn't happen, the crack of dawn was the time I woke up, as it was the time I felt most energized. It was like the earth woke me up, but not today.

I was so confused, I had no idea where I was or how long id been there. It couldn't be long till my birthday now, probably only a couple of days. Now I was probably wrong but I didn't feel any close to London. Scott would never get us there before my birthday. Then I started to feel a pain in my body, I wasn't sure what kind of pain it was, but it felt like my entire body was hurting. Like boiling water was flowing through my veins. But I couldn't concentrate on that. Scott needed to get me to London and if I held him up I'd feel terrible.

So I got up and turned on the light in the room. It was a small room and nothing of interest. My bag was at the end of my bed, which I was thankful for. So I quickly got changed. I still had on my jogging trousers, which meant I only had shorts left in my bag. I put on a pair of khaki shorts and a black t-shirt that had a picture of a leaf on it. The shorts were really short and kind of made me feel uncomfortable but all the other shorts were just as bad. I found a pair of black plimsolls and slipped them on as I figured they would be okay to run in.

Then I shouldered my bag and left the room. Thankfully this house was a lot smaller than Scott's and I was able to find where Scott was sleeping very easily. I was helped by the sign's on the doors. One had Ben's name on it and I figured Scott wouldn't be in there. So that only left my room and the one at the end of the hall.

The hall was freezing cold as the window at the end of the hall was wide open. I didn't see why anyone needed to open it, the house wasn't warm. But oh well, maybe Ben liked letting air in. So I continued to Scott's room.

It was dark in there too but I could see that Scott was asleep. He looked so peaceful and calm, not worried for the first time since we'd met. I thought about leaving him to sleep till the morning but then if he was awake he would wake me up to get moving, I had to do the same. So I approached his bed and knelt next to him and shook him a little.

"Hey Scott I'm up and I feel better." He didn't react, he was asleep still, his eyes didn't twitch and nor did he give any other sign of waking up. He couldn't sleep that deeply could he? "Scott? Scott? Scott!" I shook him harder and still no moving, he was still breathing but he was not waking up. What was happening.

"He won't wake up." A soft female voice said behind me. The voice, although calm, hinted at manic thoughts. I stood up and turned around. I don't know what I was expecting, but whatever I had thought of was nothing like what I was now facing. It was nothing but two red eyes, glaring at me and though they were peering through a slit in fabric, but they weren't. There was no fabric but the scariest part was that there appeared to be no body. Only those cold red eyes.

"What have you done to him? And who are you?" I tried to sound calm and strong like Scott would want me to. No matter how much I wanted to sound brave, I could tell I didn't. The red eyes seemed to light up and dance with joy when they noticed the twinge of worry in my voice. She knew I was afraid and she was going to enjoy making me more afraid.

"Oh child, he is only in a trance no need to panic. I'm only a demon." She said the words softly as if it was normal to be a demon. The name shot fear through my body, I'd never met a demon and I didn't think I would have wanted to. I had to stay strong, I wasn't only protecting myself, Scott and Ben were here too.

"Now we have no time to talk, I simply want to kill you and take your powers. now let's hurry before my sisters get here." her red eyes glowed as she spoke, like killing me would bring her great pleasure. Her voice was soft but hollow like she wasn't thinking about her words.

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