Chapter five - Earth essence hurts

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When I woke up I was rather surprised not to be in the tent I saw Scott set up last night. But I was more surprised to see I wasn't even on the floor. I was being carried by Scott himself. I wasn't slung over his shoulder like the night he took me away from the forest, instead he was carrying the way a groom carries his new wife over the threshold of their new house. My body was supported by his right arm and my legs dangled over his left arm. I was surprised by how strong he was. I didn't know what time it was or how far away we were from the park but he must have carried me a couple of streets at least. 

I didn't tell Scott I was away straight away, I don't know why but I felt safe in his arms and he was warm when I was freezing. He hadn't changed his clothes but his arms weren't cold like mine were, they radiated heat and it felt nice. He didn't look down at me as he was busy concentrating on directions to London, but that didn't bother me as it meant I could stay there in his arms for a bit longer.

I was just about to close my eyes when I noticed Scott was smiling, "Morning sleepy head." It was like he knew I had woken up. He din't look angry, in fact he looked almost amused. But the strangest part was that he didn't drop me, he simply continued to carry me. I wasn't sure why he was still holding me but it was nice. His heart was beating calmly in his chest which was surprising for a man who was carrying me. 

"What time is it? and where are we?" My voice sounded weak and strained and with that I realized why he was carrying me. If Scott was to put me on the floor, that's where I would stay. My entire boy felt heavy and limp. My legs would not be able to support my body for even a moment. I hadn't realized it until I'd spoke, I wasn't sure why I was wore out. I'd been asleep all night.

"It's two in the afternoon and we are about a mile from a friends house. He's going to help heal you. You probably don't remember what happened, you passed out pretty quickly but you still managed to save our lives. You go to sleep and I'll explain it all to you at my friends house." I didn't want to sleep but I wanted to know what had happened to make me pass out and I wanted to know how I had saved our lives. It was horrible not knowing but it didn't bother me for long as I fell asleep in Scott's arms as quickly as I blinked.

I was woken up after what felt like a moment. I was lay on a cream sofa, Scott was shaking me and when I opened my eyes I saw him standing above me, he had a smile on his face that told me we weren't in any danger and his grey eyes were watching me as if he had been there quietly keeping an eye on me for quite a while. He didn't look tired or worn out, he actually looked quite happy. I wasn't sure why, I mean I didn't feel any happier, I still felt like I'd just ran head first into a brick wall. 

I was starting to feel awkward with Scott stood there staring at me so I tried to sit up but he pushed me back down, it didn't take much as I was so weak. "Don't bother, you're not strong enough yet, my friend doen't have the supplies he needs to heal you so he has gone out to pick them up. I doubt he will be much longer, but you need to stay still, he say's you're in a bad condition but he is going to get you fixed up as quickly as possible because we need to keep moving. That's why I needed you to sleep. We need to harvest a bit of your power to help you recover faster."

My head was already hurting but now it was whizzing from all the information I was being force fed. I didn't know who this friend was that he was on about nor did I know what he meant by telling me I needed to harvest my power. If he meant my ability to make plants grow I didn't see how that was going to help me feel any better. I was not a plant, last time I  checked I was a mammal, just like everyone else on the planet. 

I would have asked Scott what he meant but at that moment the door to the room we were in opened and a man with short brown hair stepped in. He was tall and muscular. Actually he was kind of dreamy. He had dark blue eyes that drew me in and held my gaze for a moment. He smiled and I caught a glimpse of pearly white teeth. He seemed genuinely perfect. His olive complexion sparkled in the light. I must have looked completely starstruck as when Scott coughed beside me I fell back into reality and I felt blood surge to me cheeks.

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