Chapter three - Perfectly made over

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Authors note: This chapter is a bit tedious, as it's all about Willow's make-over. Sorry to everyone who isn't interested in this chapter.


Once the strange man had introduced me to this Emma woman they exchanged a smile and she lead be back upstairs. This time we didn't go back to the plain room I woke up in, she led me to a room which was painted bright pink. It looked like a flamingo. It also looked incredibly stupid. I think I even preferred the whit room with little more than a bed.

But this room was very well furnished it had a black couch and a black chair that looked incredibly comfortable. The chair was sat facing a mirror that was the size of the bed I had woken in. There were bright light bulbs all around the edge and packs of cosmetics covered the desk top. All sorts of jars and bottles and tubes and well a lot of objects I wasn't familiar with. In the corner was a basin, but it had a shower head instead of taps and the edge had a dip in it, like someone was meant to put their head in the sink. In front of the sink was a chair just like the one next to the dressing table but this one was reclined and the back was level with the dip in the sink. Around the sink were shelves lined with different coloured bottles all with different words on. 

Before I could take in anymore of the room Emma had sat me down in the chair next to the dressing table. I was right, the chair was comfortable. I could have fallen asleep right there and then but Emma started talking. Her voice was so high pitched and annoying it would have kept dead people awake.

"So hunny how you liking this old place?" She sat down on the sofa opposite me and glared at me with her piercing grey eyes. I didn't like the way she looked at me, like I was some kind of threat. She basically looked like I ha worn the same dress as her at party. Not that that would ever happen. 

"Er, it's okay I guess. I'd prefer to be back home tho." I felt bad, although I already didn't particularly like Emma, it wasn't her fault her. It was that pompous git down stairs that had brought me here. I knew i shouldn't be so cold to this woman but I didn't know her and she continued to look me up and down like I was going to steel her best dress (as if she had one I'd want.) 

"And what do you think of my husband, Scott. He's so dreamy isn't he, he's only twenty, still nice and young. Wouldn't be surprised if you wanted him. Most girls do. But you cant have him." She then let out a high-pitched giggle that made my skin crawl.

So that's why I was a threat, she thought I wanted her man. But I hadn't met her husband. The only man I'd met was that blunt speaking, kidnapp...oh. He had to be Scott. They were married! Wow someone wanted to marry him. That self-centered arrogant ghost. But then again I didn't exactly see why anyone would want to marry the woman sitting in front of me. She had the dress-sense of a blind art teacher and a voice like nails being scraped along a black board. I would say he was deaf and blind but he had managed to hear me enter a room without looking and found it easy enough to look me up and down for a couple of minutes.

"Ha. You think I like him. Well I don't. He kidnapped me from my home where I was perfectly happy and brought me here so I could be made over by you. Thanks but no thanks I don't go for jerks." I had to say something to prove I didn't want Scott but maybe I could have worded it slightly better.

But despite what I said a smile spread across Emma's face and this one wasn't contorted in anger. It was genuinely friendly and for the first time I kind of started to like her.

"Okay then, we can start the make over then." Her high-pitch was now transformed into a more ear-pleasing decibel. Her voice was actually very pretty and soft and mellow with out the fake tone.

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