Chapter two - Rude kidnappers

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Unfortunately I didn't get a full nights sleep, in fact, I didn't even get half a nights sleep. I was rudely awoken by some arrogant git who has nothing better....okay I'll calm down and let you form your own opinion on him.

I was woken up by a man shaking me. It was dark so I could barely see him. But he was calling my name. I had no idea how he knew me, but he obviously did. For the first time I'd woken up without feeling fully energized. I was too tired to ask the intruder his name. He didn't seem fazed by that he only seemed happy that I was awake.

"Hey there. I'm sorry about this but you really have to come with me because you're in danger. I'm not going to hurt you but I don't have time to wait for you to wake up so I'm going to have to carry you to my car. It's not too far away and you're perfectly safe so long as I'm here."

From what I remember his voice sounded soft and trustworthy, or at least that's what I remember thinking. It was deep and soft. But it's all a bit of a blur due to him waking me up at stupid times at night. All I remember after that was him hoisting me over his shoulder. He made it feel effortless and he had a good grip, I felt safe as he carried me.

I don't remember anything else of that night but that didn't bother me.

When I woke up I was inside a house and I mean a proper house made of bricks and everything. I was in a spacious room with white walls. Light flooded in through the window and made the room a lot brighter. At first the bright light made my head hurt. but once my eyes adjusted I was okay.

As I sat up in bed I felt light headed. I felt drained, nothing like I had done the past three days. The power I had gained was gone along with every ounce of strength I previously owned. I held my head for a moment to stop it from spinning. Once it had I decided to get up.

I was no longer dressed in leaves, but now actual clothes. I had pale blue shorts and a white vest top. I didn't remember getting changed but some how I had. Then the memory of the stranger came flooding back. I had to find him, ask him what had happened. But more importantly ask who the hell he thought he was to wake me up at a stupid time, take me to a place I don't know and get me changed! The nerve of some people!

I walked out of the room, I would have marched but I was too worn out. I walked along a hall that seemed never ending but when I finally reached the end I fund a staircase. I followed it down stairs and found a door half open. I pushed it open with caution as I didn't know what kind of psychopath had decided to pick me up last night.

I found myself in a very big, very grand room. It had a huge fire place at the end of the room with a single chair facing it. The room was painted cream and maroon with golden details. It made me wonder what kind of house I was in. Its rooms were so plain with white walls and only one single bed but this room, although relatively bare had been highly decorated.

"I hope you slept well, Willow." The voice startled me as I assumed I was alone in the room. But as it turned out the chair facing the fire had a high back so the young man sat in the chair was unnoticeable from my angle.

It was the same voice I vaguely remembered from last night. The deep but soft purr of a young mans voice. For a moment I'd forgotten I was angry at him. But that moment passed. This jerk had kidnapped me! He was not getting off likely.

"Are you the man that kidnapped me?" As I spoke I realised how drained I actually was. Speaking made me feel weak and tired and I almost wanted to pass out from exhaustion.

"I did not kidnap you. I rescued you. Now show some gratitude." He didn't sound angry, nor shocked. More like this had happened many times before.

How had he saved me? He had taken me away from my home, surely that's the safest place in the world for me. I would have told him this but I didn't think I had the strength to talk again.

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