Chapter four - A perfectly strange dinner

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As I walked down the stairs in my new dress and a pair of black heels that Emma piked out I felt so powerful and confident it was amazing. I could feel my eyes glowing and for the first time in my life it felt awesome to look like me. I didn't exactly like my appearance before but now I loved it.

As I reached the bottom of the stairs I saw a sign directing me to the dining room. It took me a few moments to get there as it was harder to walk in heels than bare foot but I was doing okay. When i reached the door of the dining room I took a breath and entered. 

Sat at a square table was Emma and Scott. Emma smiled but Scott didn't look up, I'd become used to that after our first encounter, as he only looked up to glance at me before returning to his book. But when he did look up his jaw dropped. I wasn't quite sure why but he looked better now, less pale and ghostly. He was still pale but he looked less skinny now. More handsome. 

He stood up as I walked over and I could of swore I was blushing. I don't know why he had stood up but Emma didn't look to happy about it. As I sat down so did Scott and Emma gave him a look that could had strangled him if he was paying attention. But the truth was he wasn't. He was still watching me. It made me feel nervous. 

"So, hunny, you needed to tell Willow about the quest."  She smiled a fake smile which I knew was a warning to back off, but I didn't see how I could. I hadn't done anything. I'd simply walked in and he'd suddenly become like a puppy who wanted my attention. 

"Ah, yes." Scott seemed to snap out of his trance when his wife spoke. He looked at her and smiled apologetically. "Willow, you need to leave." I thought that was a bit abrupt and harsh but then he changed his wording. " on a quest...with me." He tried his hardest to keep his eyes on the table as he spoke. I got the feeling that if he looked at me his wife might stab him with her fork.

"What quest?" I was confused, so much had happened recently and I didn't quite understand why I had to leave and I especially didn't understand why I had to go with Scott.

"Well, I'm probably not the one to tell you this but, you're special. Because of that, you're not safe here. We have to travel by foot to London. That's where you're supposed to be. People have been looking for you for centuries, but in past lives you moved around to quickly. If we get you to London in this life-time the world might stand a chance. Well, it might if we find your siblings too." 

Okay, if I wasn't confused before then I was now. 

"But what do you mean special? Why aren't I safe? Why London?-"

"Okay let's answer question by question. You are special in a way that I can't explain to you, but you will find out in London. You're not safe because in a few days you will turn nineteen and will have full access to your powers. There are monsters out there that want to kill you, for if they do they shall gain your powers until you are next reborn, which can take up to a hundred years. We must travel to London because that is where The Land is. The Land is where the five houses are that you saw in my fire. It is safe there and protected."

He made it all sound so easy, but somehow I knew it wouldn't be. I had to ask more, I needed answers.

"Okay but what do you mean people have been searching for centuries? I'm nineteen not a million."

"Well yes you are nineteen but that is only in this life time. Like I said you get reborn. In past lives you always moved around too quickly, when you send up a flair like you did last night someone has to come get you but by the time they get there you're gone." 

"Alright then." I sounded calm but I wasn't inside. My head was spinning from all the information but I needed to know more. "What do you mean by "if I get there this life-time"?" 

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