Chapter 27

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Okay first off, I just want to say thank you all so much. My Soldier at the moment is at 31.04K reads, and 1.22K favorites. Looking back on when I first started, I am just so happy and overwhelmed at all you readers whose names kept popping up in my notifications, and all of the new ones. This may sound very cliché, but I say in all honesty that you guys have truly kept me going on My Soldier, and now there's going to be a sequel!!! So thank, thank, thank you all SO much!! Stay beautiful!!


**Matt leaves today**

I wake up before the sun is up, and well before Matt did. These two nights I've gotten about 6 hours of sleep put together, dreading the day Matt leaves.

And the day has come.

I look over to my left, and see Matt's peaceful face due to the sleep he's in. He hasn't had any episodes for a while, but now that he's going back to the war, my gut tells me he's going to start having them again.

I jump as the alarm goes off, waking up Matt as well. He smiles when he sees my face, and reaches over to turn off the alarm.

"Good morning beautiful." He says, making me grin.

"Good morning." I say quietly, failing to hide my sadness.

"You're going to be there when I leave, right?" He asks hopefully.

"Of course I will. Can I come in with you?" I ask after immediately shutting down his fears of me leaving.

He shakes his head sadly. "You'll have to head down with Jo and Mom." He looks at the clock. "Speaking of which, they're expecting me to drop you off on my way to the base in a few minutes. They're going to make you breakfast and lunch is served there." He stretches as he tells me the plans. "We should start getting ready."

I nod as I sit up, but I quickly stop myself, realizing I'm naked. Basically these two days have just been me and Matt in bed.

Matt, on the other hand, gets out of bed, probably not even realizing our current state. He slips on boxers before he turns to me.

"Why aren't you getting out of bed?" He smirks, telling me he knows the answer.

"Can you hand me some clothes?" I avoid answering the question.

He hesitates for a moment before getting that look on his face. "I don't see why you can't get your own clothes. After all, I'm a guy. I might get it wrong." He winks at me, not moving from his current position.

"You're kidding me, right?" I wrap the sheets tighter around me. "Matthew I'm not streaking for you. Just get me some clothes. Please." I roll my eyes.

I watch as he gets into my drawers and pulls clothing out. He tosses them to me, but before I thank him, I realize what he gave me. But the sheet had already fallen off my chest as I caught the clothes he threw me.

"You cheeky bastard. What the hell is this? Lingerie? Really?" I ask him exasperated as he grins at his master plan. He walks up to me, and holds the sheet down so my chest is uncovered.

"You just look so hot right now." He tells me in a husky voice. I get turned on, and I look at the bathroom door.

"I think I need a shower. Don't you?" I ask, and his eyes grow wide as he realizes what I'm saying. He soon just picks me up and takes us both to the bathroom.


"So how did you and Matt meet?" Another military wife asks me.

"We ran into each other at the grocery store. Literally." I tell the people listening about how we met and we've talked ever since.

My Soldier (*Completed*)Where stories live. Discover now