Chapter 3

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I sing and dance around my sorry excuse for a house, singing along to my music, and completely out of it.

"HEEYYY HEEEEEYYYY HEEEEYYYY! Tonight." I finish the song, and jump when I hear clapping behind me. I whip around and see a stranger, yet familiar face standing in my bedroom doorway.

"WHAT THE FUCK?!" I scream. It's Matt. How the hell did he get in here?

"Sorry," his deep, slightly sexy voice says, trying to contain a laugh, "your mom let me in." He crosses his arms and leans against the frame of the door.

"'t here." I stutter out.

Right on que I hear my mom from the kitchen, "Hey honey! I'm here dropping off the stuff we talked about and this lovely man was just about to knock when I came up to the door. I figured you know him so I let him in and told him you were in your room." She walks up behind Matt. "You should really watch your language too. He could've been your grandmother."

"Mom. Grandma Elizabeth is dead. So is Grandma May." I say in annoyance, still awkwardly having a staring contest with Matt.

I had to admit, in just a plain black, tight fitted t-shirt and slightly ripped blue jeans, Matt looked pretty damn hot. I didn't have much of an oppression though, with only a pair if tight leggings and loosely fitted, lightweight knitted sweater that had holes so you can see my bra. I could feel his eyes defiantly checking me out.

"Yeah whatever. Mom this is Matthew Starks." I say breaking eye contact to face my mom. I see a sly little smirk on his face as if he were to say 'I win'.

A small gasp leaves her lips, "The Matthew you were telling us about yesterday?"

Matt looks at me with a raised eyebrow. I blush furiously an cover my face with my hands.

"You talked about me?" He teasingly questions me.

I don't have time to answer before my mom does, "Oh yes! She said you were so sweet and funny and very hot, which she was definitely right abou-."

"MOM!" I interject. I swear my face is bright tomato red. "Can we have a minute alone please?" I look anywhere but Matt's face.

My mom leaves with a chuckle after mumbling something, leaving us alone. After Matt thinks she's a safe distance away, he shuts the door before taking a few steps closer to me. Smart move.

"I have to say, I'm quite flattered, Annalise." My full name rolls beautifully off his tongue.

"It's Anna." Is all I can say, still flustered from the embarrassing moment just seconds before.

He hums, "I prefer Annalise. It suits you very well."

"How so?" I begin to gain my confidence, waiting for a snarky remark about how it's old fashion and for old women. And I was so ready to fire right back.

He shrugs, "Beautiful name for a beautiful girl."

Well that took me off guard.

I look down and stare at my socks, trying to hide my blush. Another pair of feet come into view and I feel two fingers under my chin. My head is soon pushed up, and I'm staring straight into the pair of golden eyes that stuck in the back of my mind since the day in the grocery store, and once again, I'm taken back, and I can't seem to take my eyes off of them.

"You're definitely on stalker status, you know that right?" I say quietly, still staring into his eyes.

He smiles, which makes his eyes gleam, "Yes I know. But I know a certain tech guy who owed me a certain favor."

"That's not weird." I say sarcastically.

"You know what I told him?" his face gets closer to mine.

"That you wanted to use my skin for a lamp shade and my nails for cleaning out your own and use my hair to try and make a bunch of evil clones of me for world domination?"

He gives me the strangest look and I stare straight-faced right back at him.

"You ruined it." He said a little quieter, more huskier. His eyes seem to get a little more darker.

Okay then...? I shrug,

"I tend to ruin a lot of things." I say with the same whisper tone. He runs his hands through his hair and over his face,

"Good lord Annalise. Why can't I get you out of my head?" he rubs the stubble on his chin and stares at me with confusion and need.

He reaches behind me to my dresser where my phone is sitting. He looks over my shoulder as our chests are pressing against each other and a very sexy masculine cologne fills my senses. As he begins what seems to be punching in a number and texting himself, he pulls away, almost reluctantly.

"I wanna take you out." He blurts out confidently.

"How do I know you're not a serial killer?" I reply back.

"Rest assure Annalise,-" God. The way he speaks my name- "if I were a serial killer who just got back from a military base, you mostly likely be either tortured at the moment, or very much dead." I stare into his oh-so-interesting eyes.

Good fucking God he's dead serious.

"Umm alright then yeah. I guess I can go to dinner with you." I awkwardly stutter out. "Just uhh text me and whatnot."

"I won't miss a thing. Tomorrow night? I can pick you up at 7:30?"

I nod, trying not to seem to excited, "Sounds great. What exactly should I wear?"

"A dress." He doesn't miss a beat. Does that mean he's already got it all planned out?

That's extremely romantic.

"As much as I hate saying this, I have to go renew my license and I.D."

"I'll walk you out." I say almost Immediately.

Wow, desperate much?

"I would love that." he says with a charming smile.

As we pass my mom, he gives her a polite smile and a head nod,

"It was great to meet you Mrs. Torres."

She smiles widely, so proud that her daughter finally had a handsome, polite man at her house,

"The pleasure is all mine."

Before he walks out the door, he gives me a hug, and a simple kiss on the cheek, right in front of my mom. I turn as the door closes mind me to see my mom beaming at me.

"He asked me to dinner tomorrow." I say before she can ask, and I break out into a huge grin.

"Oh Anna, hunny!" She gives me a giant hug, "You look so happy!"

"I feel happy." I say with glee.

And for the first time in a while, I actually mean it.


Incase you're having troubles with her name, it's pronounced "Anna-lease":)


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