Chapter 14

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You know those moments when you're writing, and the words just flow right through and the story comes together so smoothly and easily?? Yeah, that's what this chapter was.


I wake up groggily, and turn around to see golden eyes piercing mine. My lips pull into a smile as I meet Matt's grin. That's when I notice the bags under his eyes.

"How long have you been awake?" I ask.

He shrugs, petting my hair, not saying anything.

"Matthew..." I warn.

"Pretty much all night." He says quietly.

"What's wrong?" I ask cautiously.

Was it something I did? Was it something I said? Oh god what did I do?

"Nothing." Matt says frowning, "I just can't sleep."

I automatically remember reading an article about soldiers coming home from war that suffer from PTSD. They can't eat, they can't sleep, they get startled at the littlest things, and sometimes they lash out if something triggers them right.

Was that why he jumped up so suddenly when I screamed last night?

"You wanna talk about it?" I ask in a quiet voice, gently running my hand over his soft hair.

He shakes his head and starts to get up, "Nah. There's nothing much to talk about." I open my mouth to say something, but he cuts me off, "I'm starved. Let's go finish those pancakes." He walks off towards the kitchen, and I shrug on his t-shirt that's huge on me.

I sit there on the bed, staring at the door my soldier just went through, wondering why he doesn't want to talk to me.


"PTSD? Are you sure?" Lexy asks as we sit down in our regular booth at our regular café.

"No I'm not sure, but it's just a thought." I say before taking a sip of my tea.

"You could just be jumping to conclusions." Lexy says, trying to calm my nerves.

"Yeah I know, but can you blame me? After Derek, and all the articles I've read on PTSD and those who have it lash out in acts of violence."

"You're just going off of one or two thoughts though, right?" She asks.

"Like one and a half." I say.

"All the more reason you should stop worrying."

"I know I know. But I can't help it."

Lexy ponders a bit before saying, "I say you keep your worries on the down low, but also keep an eye out on it. You can never be too careful with things like this."

I nod, agreeing with her, and trying to push back my worries.

"You up for a girls night?" Lexy asks, suddenly excited.

"Actually yes. It's drill weekend for Matthew, and I'm ready to just watch chick flicks all night while stuffing my face. And possibly some drinking." I say laughing.

"Amen!" Lexy says, raising her cup up and causing people to look at her.


"You know" hiccup "what I hate?" hiccup. Lexy says, swaying as she stands up from the couch.

"What?" I ask, giggling.

We're now completely wasted. Lexy is the confused groggy drunk, while I'm the crazy drunk that laughs at everything and comes up with the dumbest ideas. We're such a great pair when drunk.


"I hate boys!" Lexy yells as she throws her hands up, exasperated. "They're just" she dozes off.

"Looney!" I finish for her.

She snaps out of her daze, "yes! Looooney." she stretches out the word, making me laugh so hard I begin crying.

"I'm going to become a lesbian." Lexy states in a matter-of-factly voice, obviously please with her situation with boys.

"Yeah! Lesbians!" I whoop out, and Lexy gasps as she seems to have an epiphany.

"You can be a lesbian with me!" she squeals.

"That. Is. Brilliant!" I take out my phone, and dial Matthew's number, and he picks up on the second ring.

"Annalise? What's wrong?" His beautiful voice asks worriedly and I giggle.

"Matthew, baby, I'm sorry but-" giggle "I have to dump you." I burst out laughing.

"Annalise...?" He asks suspiciously.

"I have decided that I'm becoming a lesbian, and Lexy is my girlfriend." I giggle multiple times more.

"A what?" I roll my eyes at him not understanding.

"A LES-BE-AN" I shout into the phone, stretching out the syllables. "You know? With Lexy! She's my lesbian lover!" I shout as Lexy whoops and takes another swig of whatever the hell alcohol she has left. "I'm going to fuck her because she's my girlfriend and I'm a lesbian." I grin proudly.

"Where are you at?" Is all he asks.

"Definitely NOT at Lexy's!" I laugh out loud, "K bye!" I quickly hand up edited he can say or do anything.

Suddenly, I feel a rush of nausea come through me.

"Oh god." I say as I cover my mouth and rush to the bathroom. Lexy just sits there and laughs.

I don't remember how many times I throw up before I knock out cold on the bathroom floor.


So this chapter was a filler, but it was pretty funny in my opinion....I'm trying to make up for the month long absence. I'll try to update a couple more times as a holiday gift to y'all!!

Thanks for sticking with me!

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