Chapter 13

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I wake up to something hard poking my ass. When I finally come to the realization on what it is, I almost jump out of my skin. My jumping makes Matt sit up with such speed and force he takes the blankets down with him, uncovering my exposed body.

"Matthew!" I squeal, trying to grab the covers.

Matt looks around the room and then at me. "Are you alright?" he asks with such worry.

I nod, "yeah. Just startled..." I say.

"What was it?" Matt says, still looking suspiciously around the room.

I clear my throat, trying not to sound too awkward, "it was uhh-" I clear my throat again, "your 'morning problem'" I say, " was just about all the way in my ass." I look at the clock that says it's about 2 in the morning.

When I look back at Matt, he drops one of his eyes to a wink and rolls his hips. I squeal and jump out of bed, grabbing the blankets with me. I sprint to the bathroom without looking at back at Matt knowing he's fully nude.

When I get to the bathroom, I lock the door, dropping the blanket and pulling on a robe. I look at myself in the mirror.

"We actually did it. I wasn't scared and I don't regret it." Okay. Maybe not full blown sex, but it was something.

I take a deep breath in and smile widely at myself. I splash some water on my face and quickly brush out my hair. I go back out to the bedroom expecting a fully naked soldier, but instead I see Matt has at least put his boxers back on. He smiles widely at me.

"C'mon. I'm starving." He grabs my hand and pulls me to the kitchen. He sets me on top of the counter and starts going through the pots and pans, flour, sugar, eggs....

"Are you making pancakes??" I ask as he gets out a big mixing bowl and pan.

"Yeah. Is there a problem?" He doesn't look at me, just continues to start making pancakes.

"Matt, it's almost 2:30 in the morning" He stares at me.

"What?" I ask as I meet his questioning glare.

"Nothing. I'm just waiting for you to get to the point of that statement." He grins at me as I just stand there, dumbstruck.


He looks at me, then stands in between my dangling legs. He places his hands on my waist, and he raises his face for a kiss. At the last second, I turn my head and deny the kiss. He looks at me in shock as I grin at him innocently.

"Alright fine. No pancakes for you." he states as he continues mixing the contents of the bowl.

"Excuse me, but it's my kitchen." I sass him, "and my house as well. So if I want to eat in my house, I'll eat in my house." I tell him confidently.

"Yes. But I decide how many pancakes there is, and I can easily make enough only for me." Matt states in a matter-of-factly voice.

I shrug, "okay. You can leave then." I hop off the counter and start walking away. "Goodnight." I wave without looking back at him.

I don't have time to turn around to the footsteps behind me when strong arms wrap around my waist. Lips latch on to my neck and Matt's mouth makes its way to my ear. I moan as he whispers certain things into it as he nibbles the lobe.

"Are you sure you want me to leave?" Matt asks in a husky voice.

I turn around and bring his lips to mine, giving him the answer he needs. He picks me up and takes us back to the bedroom.

"What about the pancakes?" I ask breathlessly.

"They can wait." Matt replies.

I squeal as his lust filled gaze meets mine and he throws me on the bed.


There's no need for a note here: I suck at updating, and this chapter was a filler.

I'm now on break so hopefully I can update a lot more.

Thanks for waiting!!


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