Chapter 16

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"Hey Anna!" Aaron says as he comes from the back room.

"Hey!! How was Florida? Is your grandpa okay?" I ask as he grabs a crate of misplaced CDs and books.

"It was great, as always. Gramps is doing fantastic too. The surgery went extremely well, as to quote the doctors." I follow him to help restock and rearrange items.

"That's amazing. Why are you back so soon?" I habitually put up the books in their rightful places as Aaron and I continue talking. "Did you miss me?" I ask teasingly, bumping his shoulder with mine.

"Obviously he missed me. He heard I was sick and dying, so he just had to come back." We turn to the end of the isle and see Chia standing there, back and healthy.

"Or he came back because he realized that you both left me and Zane to run this shop all by ourselves, saw what a terrible person he was, and came back to cover all my shifts for a month to pay back all the overtime I did while you two abandoned me to do all the work myself."

Aaron raises an eyebrow as Chia laughs. "I was gone for two weeks!" He defends, "how does it make any sense that I take over a month of your shifts?"

"I've got things to do." I simply say while grinning.

"More like people." Chia adds, dropping her eye into a wink while laughing at my now blushing state.

"You still with that soldier then?" Aaron asks after I tell Chia to rudely shut up.

"Yeah." Is all I say as I distract myself with shelving books.

"What's it like?" He asks me. Chia tunes in, her laughter dying as she seems interested.

"Well...." I ponder a bit. "He's always working because of his ranking. Sometimes he'll get called in either in the middle of the night or on the weekend. Other times he's on the phone with work for almost an hour or so. Every month they have a drill weekend, where they go into work on the weekend and they touch on certain things like classes or training, and so he has to work later than normal days. He goes into work at 4:30 or 5 in the morning and won't get home until 5:30 or 6 at night." They give me wide eyes at hearing his schedule. I bite my lip, feeling bad that I'm almost bashing his job.

"But he loves it so much." I add with a smile. "He loves that fact that he's protecting out country, and that he's following in his dad's footsteps. He can't really tell me much stuff because of military confidentiality, but when he does talk about it, his eyes light up and he's like a child in Christmas. He could talk about it for hours, and the way he talks about it, I could just listen for hours." I say, almost dozing off in thoughts of golden eyes.

"Wow" Aaron says as Chia smirks.

"What?" I say.

"She's got it bad." Chia says to Aaron while smiling. Aaron nods as I look between the two of them.

"Oh my god." I say shaking my head. "I do not."

"Mmmhmm." Aaron hums in disbelief.

I shake my head and laugh as I change the display books at the front window.

"ANNA! Watch out!" I hear a voice yell.

I move just in time to dodge the brick that flys through the window.


*instert dramatic music*

Hope you like it!!!

Don't hate me for the cliffhanger.....


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