CHAPTER 4: A Date to remember

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CHAPTER 4: A Date to Remember

Morning sets again in the Kurui residence. Zeito woke up early after he got a phone call. He immediately gets dressed and went out. After that, Itsuki woke up too. He and Yukari ate cereals together. Saizo went down next. He gets the milk at the fridge and drinks it. Then his phone suddenly rang.

"Yes hello?"

"Saizo! Come back here now!" A girl said on the other side of the phone

"I'm going back there after lunch!"

"After lunch? But who's gonna prepare breakfast for me?"

"You could ask one of your maids there."

"But I want you to pour milk on my cereals!"

"What the— you could do it yourself. You're not a baby anymore!" Saizo said while he closed the fridge

"But you need to do it because-- You're going to be my husband soon!"

"Stop taking nonsense."

"I don't know how to make cereals Saizo! Do you want me to die of starvation?"

"You won't die by that."

"Saizo! Hurry up! I'm really going to DIE!!"

*Phone ended*

Saizo sigh

"I'll be going now." Saizo lefts

Yukari and Itsuki were left at home since the two of them are on a day off. Yukari was cleaning the living room while Itsuki was gardening. Yuan was already awake and was cleaning his room since Roan and Yuan were sleeping in the same room. Roan was at the living room upstairs, listening to music through his phone. Satsuki woke up. Yukari was standing on the couch because she was cleaning the windows on the other hand Itsuki was outside and saw what was Satsuki was about to do.

Itsuki rushed inside the house and threw the cactus that he was holding. He threw it on Satsuki's face. Then Yukari looked at them. The reason why Itsuki did that it's because Satsuki was trying to peep under Yukari's skirt while she was cleaning the window.

"Good thing Brother Saizo left this cactus." Itsuki said

Yukari went down the couch

"Are you okay Brother Satsuki?" She asked the poor guy at the floor

"If you hug me tightly my beautiful sister, I would be okay."

Then Itsuki's dark aura filled the whole room

"Brother Satsuki, please behave yourself." Itsuki said this while smiling evilly.

Satsuki felt Itsuki's aura and stands up immediately. He gets a cigarette and lit it. He sat at the couch and watched t.v. Itsuki went back outside and Yukari sat beside Satsuki.

"Don't you have work today, Brother Satsuki?"

"Nope, I'm just being called if I'm needed."

Satsuki replied while he polish his beloved baby (Baby= Baseball bat)

While both of them were watching T.V. , Yukari look at Satsuki

"I'm sorry, Brother Satsuki."

"Why are you apologizing?"

Satsuki said while he puts his baby at the table and was reaching for the remote control.

Yukari touches his right eye patch. "Does it hurt?"

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