CHAPTER 3: Ingredients of a perfect couple

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CHAPTER 3: Ingredients of a Perfect Couple


Kai still thinks what happened just now

"Where are we going?" She asked

He remained silent

Then the car stopped inside a condominium. They both went out of the car. When they went on the upper floor, Yukari was as amazed. She didn't expect to see a wide elegant place.

"You live here?" she asked

Kai nodded "I have my own house but living there makes me feel that I'm all alone."

Yukari didn't expect to hear that from him. She saw a glimpse of sadness on his eyes for a second.

She stopped at the doorway and asked "Wait, what am I supposed to do here?"

"Don't you remember? You're now my fiancée so this is where you are going to staying from now on." He said in a teasingly manner.

"What?! I didn't even want to go here!"

"Come on. Don't be shy MY YUKARI."

"I want to go home now!"

Kai dragged her in. then he locked the door. Yukari's eyes widen upon seeing the entire place. There are tons of clothes everywhere. in short, the whole place looks like a hurricane just passed by.

He starts to unbutton his polo shirt

"(What is he doing?! Oh no, this can't be good! I need to do something— but how can I escape from here?)"

Then a guy in a suit came inside from a room.

"Welcome back, Sir Kaisaku." He greeted him

Shion saw Yukari "Good afternoon Miss Kurui."

He sigh and looked at Shion "You are spoiling the fun, Shion."

"I'm sorry Sir Kaisaku."

"I am Shion Nakajima the personal secretary and butler of Sir Kaisaku Hiiragi."

Kai went to his room and changed his clothes.

"This place--" She said

"I'm sorry if you have to witness sir Kaisaku's messy place. Sir, does not want me to clean up here."

When he went out, brought two pens and papers.

"Sir, I'll be going now." Shion bowed and went out of the room

"Please have a seat." Kai sat down on the couch

"I want to go ho-"

"Tell me, how are you feeling right now, now that you're my fiancée?"

"Is this another interview again?"

"What? You don't like it? It's like a getting-to-know-each-other stage."

"I just wanted to go home now."

"You can't. Well here's a deal, if you will be my fiancée, I will give you whatever you want and I promise you, this will be all fake and just pretend. After our marriage and after father gave me my part, we will divorce."

She turns her back and tries to walk-out. Kai suddenly get his phone.

"What will I do for you to help me? If my offer was not enough, maybe I can help you about your brothers operation."

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