Number One; The Breakdown.

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I screwed up.

Glassy eyes wide, blonde hair fuzzed out to the sides, Kelsey's mascara smeared under her eyes with her small tears.

Beneath us, was a blood stain on the floor. A puddle of red froth, warm on my toes, and staining my white skin red.

All hers.

My head spun, and my hands started to shake, the blood dripping off my fingers.

"Kelsey, get up stairs." I whispered, hearing the thundering footsteps crash up the stairs.

She still stared, unbelief in her dull blue eyes.

"Kelsey, leave. Now!" I pushed her small frame, and she stumbled, looking shocked that I actually did that.

"Go! Go up stairs and clean the wound, rebandage it, and go to bed, you hear me? Go!" I screamed, making more tears fall as she ran up the steps, small chubby hands holding tight to the railing.

"What the hell is this!" My dad screeched behind me, and I didn't have enough time to turn around or explain before I was thrown back on the floor, my head slamming against the floorboards.

"Blood?" You got blood on the floor?" He screamed, staring down at it with a disgust only he could show.

"You bitch!" He screamed, and I whimpered as he came closer with an empty beer glass, throwing it at me.

It shattered on my stomach.

The wind was knocked out of me with the force, and tears pricked at the edges of my eyes.

"You got blood on the floor!" He still yelled, kicking my side forcefully, probably leaving a crack in my rib.

"Ow." I hissed, when he gripped my arm tightly, getting me to my knees, and throwing me again the other way.

Smack into the blood puddle.

"Look at what you've done!" He screamed, pointing down at me, his eyes disgusted, hatred seeping in every word.

"Look!" My bottom lip trembled as I felt it; the warm sticky blood staining me, soaking into my hair and face and neck and arms, coating me in the smell of death.

"I want this fucking cleaned up by tomorrow, or I swear I'll break every bone in your body!" He again kicked me in the back before I could sit up, and my body tingled with hot fiery pain, my limbs going numb.

I didn't move until I heard his foot steps fade back down he stairs again.

Weakly, I laid there for another solid minute, thinking, but repeating the same thought over and over again.

I got blood on the floor.

I slowly pushed myself up and looked down at my red drenched body, before limping myself into the kitchen closet, where I found a red towel and floor cleaner.

I cleaned up the mess drop by drop, getting in between the cracks and nooks in the floor.

I got blood on the floor.

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