Chapter Eight

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Weeks passed and Louis had long lost count on the days or weeks he had already spent at the institute.

Weeks of the same routine do things to a human, and they either get used to the routine and sleep whenever they have time off, or become bored when there's a break in the routine. Louis had been a victim of the latter.

Dressed casually, but without any shoes on his feet, he walked around the institute, which he actually managed to get to know quite well and knew his way around enough to survive without Janet shouting at him, looking for something and anything to do.

He walked past the common room where people were talking, having fun and Louis knew he didn't belong there, not a chance. After all, he was that kid who no-one liked or even wanted to engage in a conversation with.

He went past that familiar door with a plant to the side of it and smiled - actually smiled - because, well, he didn't know why but he liked to think that the room was finally bringing him back on track. Maybe his mum was right? Maybe this institute was doing some good?

"Hey Louis!" Louis stopped and noticed that the door to Anne's room opened and closed and Harry was stood in front of him. 

Louis waved him a hello and didn't know what to do and his eyes might have been fixed on Harry for a bit too long and he might've had that weird feeling in his stomach (the same one he got whenever Harry was around) and he might've looked like a damn freak but Harry didn't seem to care or notice.

"What are you up to?" Harry casually asked, both of them standing still, having not moved an inch.

"This and that." Louis singed and was thankful for Anne and her order for Harry to learn some sign language but of course, he would never be one to admit to that, not in a million years.

"Are you bored out of your mind?" Harry rolled his eyes as soon as he said the second part of his sentence, "Because I am. I've been reading damn books in there all morning." He pointed at the door and huffed.

Louis nodded, because what else could have he done? Harry smiled and the pair’s eyes locked, neither wanting to break the contact. Why didn't Louis look away? Normally, he would have problems looking one person in the eye, but with Harry it was all different. Sure, he was still scared and not totally convinced that Harry wasn't actually a jerk and was actually being paid to be nice to Louis but oh well.

"Louis?" Harry finally broke the mini silence that fell upon them and when Louis raised his eyebrows to almost say 'yeah?', Harry carried on, "Would you like to go out and grab some lunch? I'm pretty sure you must be sick of the food they have here, I mean I am. Week in, week out, they still have the same damn menu and it doesn't look like it's going to change anytime soon..."

Louis didn't even have to think about it, his instant reaction was a nod. He stopped himself straight after Harry's eyes lit up as if they were a Christmas tree or a star because Louis did not just agree to go out of the institute with Harry, right? Or maybe he did.

Pointing towards his feet, Harry took notice of the fact that the other, older lad had no shoes on, "Want to walk up to your room? I'll wait outside if you want, I won't invade your privacy." Harry smirked.

Louis once again nodded and the two walked up. When Louis opened his door, he told Harry to wait a minute by sticking his pointer finger up and Harry did nothing but stand on the opposite side of the door. Grabbing his damaged trainers and a jacket, he was ready to go. 

What have I gotten myself into? Louis thought. Seriously, why did he agree to this little thing? Maybe Harry wanted to leave him in a forest or murder him and dump his body into a river... Louis shuddered but put the thoughts to one side. He decided to be positive for once. Positive. Yeah, positive.

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