Part 7

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“No silly, Mc with something funny at the end.”

So that Arthur did not say ‘What, Dizzy McSomethingfunnyattheend’, Sid said quickly, “Like Dizzy McRaker.”

“McRaker doesn’t even sound like McBean.”

“No, but it does sound like muck raker.”

“Oh,” mused Arthur, “yes, quite funny.”

“Okay, now you think of one.”

“Charlie Cradwell,” thought Arthur out loud.

“Yeas, go on…”

“Chuckie Downa Well?”

“Is that it?”

“Hang on,” hung Arthur because he thought Sid was belittling his suggestion and wanted to come up with another better one. “Chuckie Egg?”

“That’s a bit of a colloquialism isn’t it?”

“Younger readers won’t understand colloquialism.”

“They should use dictionaries then.”

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