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Being held in an impossibly tight grip, Martha dangled from the hold around her throat. She looked down at the woman who was holding her, and all she got in return was a blank look. This woman and the man had literally just appeared, and no sooner had they had they started on her. First it was just asking a simple question, which Martha naturally didn't give an answer to, and now it resulted in this.

She warily glanced at the barn before looking back, and that seemed to be all the man needed to turn and stalk over. Martha's breath was knocked out of her when she was suddenly thrown to the floor. Seeing as how they got what they wanted, she was apparently of no concern. She rubbed at her neck and struggled to get herself up, even as she did she could hear the frustrating shouts which were coming from the barn. So, whatever it was that they were searching for, was apparently not there. Martha didn't know what a codex was, but she could pitch a guess and say it was quite possibly that little metallic item which Jonathan had got tested years ago.

The last she knew Clark had it. And from there, she didn't know...she genuinely had no clue where it was now. Yet, the two beings clearly thought otherwise. She was stunned as the man picked up her truck and threw it at the house. The house did not stand a chance from the sudden attack, half of it was easily destroyed from having the heavy vehicle flung at it. She let out a surprised yet saddened noise as she put a hand to her mouth. She lowered it though and looked to the man as he looked at her seriously. "Where has he hidden it?"

"I don't know." Martha responded through gritted teeth. She was telling the truth, despite the man not believing her. Not that that surprised her, of course it would look like she was lying. To protect her son, she would, like any mother would.

"Where is the codex?!" He was losing his nerve now as he shouted at her. He took a step forwards only to get suddenly tackled away from her.

Martha looked up when someone put a hand on her shoulder. She tensed and turned suddenly, expecting the worst only to come face to face with Annie. "I would say it's lovely to see you again, Martha. But under the circumstances, I think we've got bigger things to deal with than a friendly hello again." Annie said while helping her to a stand. The two looked about, Clark and Zod were gone. Annie looked down and watched as Faora seemed to ponder over between following or staying. Scrunching her nose up, Annie stared at Faora, and she just stared right back before retreating. Annie let out a breath and sagged. "Oh geez...I am so not good at false bravado." She pushed away from her knees and looked at Martha. "Are you okay? Did they hurt you?" She looked her up and down worriedly.

Martha smiled and put a hand on her shoulder, "I'm fine...just..."

"Yeah, I know." Annie looked up at the house and frowned sadly. "Home improvements?" She commented, Martha let out a dry laugh and shook her head. "Come on," Annie placed an arm around her shoulders. "He will be okay, you know?" She could see that Martha was worried for Clark, even she was, but she had faith that he could handle himself. He was a lot stronger than she could ever give him credit for. No matter what, she knew he would be able to handle Zod. That man was losing touch with reality, his need was overruling his rational mind. Though Annie had no doubt the man would still fight tooth and nail, along with Faora and whoever else was likely to come out of the woodwork.

They both walked up the porch steps and tentatively into the home. They worriedly looked over the damage which had been done. Annie managed to pick up pieces of debris and move it aside so that an actual safe pathway was made to and from the door; while she did this, Martha set to picking through things which had survived the attack.

Looking up when a figure appeared outside, Annie could only just see through the remainder of the window. "Martha?" She whispered while turning and looking to the woman, she seemed to be looking over a photograph of some kind. Hearing calling out, Annie tore her eyes away from Martha and looked to Clark as he appeared suddenly by her side. She looked as relieved as he did, he placed a hand against her cheek as she tentatively reached up and placed both of hers against his. She looked him over and quickly threw her arms around him before stepping back.

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