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"Are you sure it was someone, and not another one of those robots?" He asked getting ready to go on the offensive in case it was. He really didn't want to encounter another one. They really were very problematic and annoying.

"No...no, it looked like a man, Clark...I'm rather sure I can tell the difference between a person and one of this scrap metal rejects." Annie said while they both stood now looking in the same direction. What she saw may have been a shadow, a darkened form, but it was freestanding and had movement. It was shaped like a human, unlike that robot from earlier.

"For a scrap metal reject, they pack quite a punch." Clark wanted to point out, she had shot down and insulted the robot so easily, yet she wasn't the one being constricted by its attacks. Not that he wanted her to fight one of those, or in general against anything.

"You said you were fine." Annie raised her eyes up to look at him with a smile. "Are you perhaps lying?" Maybe he wasn't as okay as he was leading out to be, honestly, she wouldn't be surprised if he did tell a small fib for the sake of ceasing any worry from appearing within her.

"Me, lie? As if." Clark said looking mock offended while she chuckled quietly and shook her head. "What'd this man look like then?" He asked, he would've called her out as crazy, but he decided to give her the benefit of the doubt. After all, the robotics still worked. Who was to say someone couldn't be alive down here? Who knew what alien technology could do?

Annie jerked a thumb, "Like that," she caught a glimpse of the figure suddenly standing at the end of a corridor. He'd literally just reappeared, as if he backtracked when he realised he wasn't being followed. There was something slightly impatient about the whole demeanour of this man. But Annie's eyes widened as she stared in his direction. Why did she feel like a naughty child that had just been caught out? His expression was not wholly one of judgement, but there was something analytical about it.

Clark frowned and double took. "Okay..." He said slowly and quietly, struggling to process this as he looked to the tall, bearded male standing patiently a little way before them. He just stood, hands clasped behind his back, wearing a textured robe which was worn over what looked to be some sort of bodysuit. This appeared to be dark in colour, yet could be confused for a deep navy. Clark took hold of Annie's hand and started forwards, with full intentions of finding out who this man was and why he was down here.

"Hey!" Annie called out quietly when the figure ducked around a corner as they picked up their pace. When they reached the spot where the man was just standing, he had vanished from sight again. She looked up at Clark, his eyes narrowed and widened slightly, "See him?"

He frowned, and shook his head slowly. "Hello?" Clark decided that perhaps calling out for the man was their best shot at him reappearing. Cat and mouse didn't seem like a too sound idea while here. But also, who was likely to come out of hiding when being chased?

Annie ran a hand down her face with a heavy sigh. "How can someone be here? Think about it Clark, we've both seen him but really? What if it's some sort of ghost? An alien ghost?"

"I thought you were a scientist?" He looked at her curiously yet smirked at her suggestions. Could it be she was possibly scared in case her words held some truth? Not that he believed in ghosts; alien or otherwise.

Annie rolled her eyes. "Would you have preferred me to suggest an alien zombie?" She questioned in a simple tone while Clark looked at her like she was mad. "This ship has been buried for twenty thousand years. There's no way someone can be alive."

"Even though we've seen him?"

"Projection? Smoke and mirrors, like magicians...? I don't know." She shook her head slowly and got tugged gently forwards again. "You can fight zombies, right?"

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