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Admittedly, despite bringing her own clothes, Annie did in fact still steal, borrow, one of Clark's shirts for the time being. She couldn't help it. There was something about the overly baggy shirts which just looked utterly comfortable to be in; that and, well, they naturally carried his scent, and that was perhaps even more comforting than what the overly loose cotton clothing would've been.

She walked along the small corridor towel drying her hair, luckily with it being shorter now, it didn't take as long to dry. Already the once soaking locks were damp and drying. Folding the towel up, she quickly backtracked and put it back in the bathroom before running her fingers through the short dark strands of hair as she made her way back down the corridor.

Walking back into the bedroom, she wasn't wholly surprised to see Clark already here. Pushing the door shut behind herself she climbed onto the bed and laid on her stomach. "Hi."

"Hello," he responded while opening his eyes and looking at her. He frowned and tilted his head to the side, "Another favourite?" He questioned while eyeing up the dark green and black checked shirt. Seriously, was this perhaps a new thing of hers; borrowing his clothes and sleeping in them?

He had to admit though, she did look rather good in it. Even if it was quite big on her. Even with the buttons done up, it kept slipping off one of her shoulders. Not that she seemed to really care, though he did reach out and correct it; his fingers lightly skimming over her collarbone and shoulder to grasp lightly onto the material of the shirt and pull it back up. That action alone seemed to cause her to shudder slightly.

"What can I say? I've always liked green." Annie defended rather pathetically with a small shrug.

"Or you've got a thing about my clothes." Clark said while moving his hand from her shoulder and cupping the side of her neck. His fingers brushed against the damp locks as he rested his fingers in the nape of her neck.

"What can I say? I really like the farmer look." Annie said with a slow nod and tried to be serious only to laugh as Clark attempted to look hurt or at least slightly offended by her words. Yet he failed, as she failed, and in the end, they both quietly laughed. Annie sighed and shuffled up the bed slightly before she placed her hands against his chest and rested diagonally on top of him. She bent her legs and kicked them in the air slightly, "Don't repay the action." She said once the laughter had calmed, only to laugh again as Clark tried to look shocked only to put his spare hand over his face. Running it down, he peeked through his fingers and grinned as she laughed. "Okay, sorry, I had to..."

"You really didn't."

"You'd look nice in my Gotham Knights jersey, what are you saying?"

"You didn't just go there."

"I think I might have." Annie grinned and stuck her tongue out between her teeth.

"No, you didn't." Clark said while raising his eyebrows at her, he really did try and look offended but it failed considering she was just grinning at him childishly.

"Well...there's always my Wildcats jersey!" Annie said seriously and thoughtfully only to end up laughing when he quickly pulled her more against himself and then moved so quickly she was left feeling slightly dazed; only to realise that he was leaning above her. He made sure that none of his weight was against her. He honestly didn't want to accidentally crush her.

"How about no?"

"Oh, come on...you could totally pull off yellow and black. I mean, blue and red seem to suit you just fine. What's the harm in branching out your colour scheme?" Annie asked while really trying not to laugh as she spoke, mainly because he playfully narrowed his eyes down at her. "Or not."

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