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Annie managed to get herself free of Clark's arms and looked sceptically at Jor-El when he seemed to be attempting to persuade Clark, or Kal, to try on the suit that was stationary close by. The hologram hadn't even really seemed to give them a full few minutes to fully process every piece of information which he had relayed to them. For one thing, Annie's head was in a right spin. She had no idea how Clark was feeling, but by the distant look on his face, she presumed he was feeling in a similar state, if not a worse one.

For so many years he had been searching for answers, his life revolved around unravelling the mystery of his past; he was bound to have many more questions, but some had already been answered, that didn't mean it made it any easier to take in. Annie frowned slowly, it was like one of those really weird makeover programs as she continued to watch the father and son talking away, this suit was seriously causing more problems then it probably should. Before and after; one person first and then another a second later.

So, Clark goes in, and Kal would come out? She rubbed a hand to her forehead in thought, that didn't sound right, nor did it settle well with her. "Hey?"

"What's wrong?"

"What happens to you...exactly?" Annie asked, Clark looked confused by her question. "Like, what if you have a sudden transplant of personality when all of this is said and done?"

"Calm down," he placed his hands on her shoulders as her breath hitched slightly and she put a hand over her heart. He knew that stance all too well, she did it each time she thought an attack was going to happen. To be honest, he was a little surprised she still got them even now. But upon hearing him talk she seemed to relax, he couldn't help but smile lightly at that. He still had a calming effect on her, some things really didn't change. "I'm not going to stand here and say I have all the answers to what's going to happen afterwards. But I know one thing for sure, do you?" She shook her head gently before he cupped her face in his hands and looked at her with new found sense of self. He now knew who he was, and what he wanted. He smiled lightly at her, "Whatever happens, I'll still be Clark." He said surely, Annie raised her eyebrows slowly at the simplicity of those words. "This has always been me, or at least a part of me...just we never knew it until now."

Annie slowly smiled, she tiptoed up and leaned her forehead against his. "Better go suit up then, hadn't you, farm boy?" She couldn't help but grin at the slight ridiculousness of those words. Yet she let out a laugh when his arms which were circled around her waist tightened and gently hoisted her up. She tightened her arms around his neck and simply held onto him before leaning away and giving him a very brief kiss.

Placing Annie back down he gave her one last uncertain smile before looking to where Jor-El was standing watching them. Clark walked over and looked the suit over, he glanced at his father as he commenced talking. "The ship will synchronise your biology to the suit."

"It won't hurt him, will it?" Annie nervously piped up.

"Kal won't be harmed," Jor-El glanced over to where she seemed rooted to the spot with her hands gently over her mouth as she looked to the two with concerned eyes. "Do not fret, my Lady."

Annie's eyebrow rose at that, she'd never been called a lady by anyone, "I'll be fine, Annie." Clark gave her a half smile from over his shoulder. She merely nodded, yet she could see the nerves in his eyes, who wouldn't be nervous over this?

Clark hesitated for a moment before stepping forwards, Annie stood holding her breath. She had to remind herself to breathe, she narrowly missed fainting earlier; she didn't want to faint now that the end of all of this seemed to be in sight. She watched as he placed his hand upon the suit, and just like Jor-El said, a screen shielded him from view, yet all seemed oddly quiet, which caused her to frown. Surely there would be some sort of noise? Yet no. She shifted uncertainly from foot to foot, she didn't like this. The fact that Jor-El just stood motionless and staring into nothing really didn't help.

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