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"So," Clark said after a few moments of silence, Annie's head lazily lifted as she looked to him. "As much fun as thinking over what the other kids are clearly doing with their time. Shall we?" He asked while referring to the work she still hadn't taken from his hand.

"If we must. And to be fair, I think I would actually rather be studying than being around a load of people that I can't really stand at the best of times." Not saying she hated, or even hugely disliked her classmates; just she never ever clicked with any of them. To begin with when she was the new girl, everyone flocked to try and know her, but none of them seemed to really wish for them to cement an actual friendship. So, she sort of had the attitude of: 'if you're not going to bother, neither am I.' Clark winced slightly at her words. He had never known Annie to be antisocial, or at least she wasn't to him. Never to him. It was just other people, she tended to put up a hard façade and that stopped people from wanting to get near, most times. "How was the rest of school?" Annie fidgeted about and crossed her legs. She might as well converse about something else other than Lana and her damn party. Just so happened the only other thing she could think of to talk about was school. Which naturally for any kid was a horrible subject at the best of times. Call Annie nosey though, she was curious to see if anything else had happened once she went.

"Boring, what else did you expect?" Clark answered simply. It was like she expected some grand dramatic event to have happened, and she would've missed out. He waved his hand at her again, he was still holding her homework, which she seemed to flat out refuse to take from him.

"You can return a gift if you don't like it." Annie said with a simple sniff and a shrug.

Clark raised an eyebrow, "You can't return this gift. I don't think Mr Spencer would appreciate you giving him unfinished homework back."

"He never likes that anyway." Annie said while scrunching her nose up in disgust.

Clark laughed quietly and nodded. "True as that may be...I don't think he'll appreciate flat out refusal to do work."

"It must hurt being right all the time." Annie pointed a finger at him while taking and then throwing the homework onto her nearby desk.

"It's agony. I don't think you realise how much it hurts, Annie."

"Sarcasm and you don't mix." She raised an eyebrow and flicked through a work book that he had just handed her. Clark looked rather put out at that, he tried, ultimately to fail. Annie looked up at him and smiled, shaking her head she picked up a pen and tapped it on the page she had stopped at. "You're so silly." She said while leaning back against the headboard, Clark shuffled backwards until he was resting against the wall.

"Where'd that come from?"

"Nowhere, you just are. Only you could sit pouting after being told that sarcasm doesn't suit you." Annie grinned and stuck her tongue out childishly. "Leave that to the seasoned professionals!" She gave a wink and nodded before shuffling away from the headboard and taking to sitting beside him.

"Stop it!" Clark shielded his workbook from her as she leaned across his arm to look at the answers to some maths problems he was writing down.

"But you're so good at maths!" Annie whined. "I'll help with science...come on...come on help me out here!"

"Smartest person ever, remember?" Clark looked down at her with a pointed look, he was trying to be serious on the matter but Annie's pouting expression and childishly narrowed eyes was making it rather hard.

"Add ego boosting to the list of things which don't work with you." Annie slouched back and sighed heavily. "Percentages...let the torture begin." She said dully while finally opening her workbook and took to attempting to do her homework. It was a hard task to do. Maths was never a strong subject for her. And she did become so easily distracted. It was a lot more fun to sit and drum with her pen then actually use it to write.

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