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Lilly's POV


"Jordanne, come on!" I yelled. "We're gonna be late if you don't hurry your ass up!"

"I gotta make sure Ricardo has eaten all of his food!"

"He's a wither!" I replied back. "He's fine!"

"Whatever! I'm on my way!" She yelled and came out of the kitchen.

She walked out with Ricardo following. I can't believe that thing has been with us for six years, how does it even survive that long?

I mean, sure, the scientists found how to hack the withers system to control them after they had been taken down. Now they work all around the world in places that need the help. It's kind of cool.

Since there wasn't much of a way to get out of LA for the longest time, we supplied some places for our team members to stay until they could get home. And in that time, Dylan, Bayani, and I figured out how to program Ricardo so he wouldn't get any bigger- that way Jordanne could keep him as a pet. I think we even made it so he doesn't die, he's been with us, for six years.

Ricardo has learned how to help around the apartment though. I mean, sure, he still makes a mess like he's an actual pet, but he tries. And since Jordanne and I are single twenty four year olds- I guess having Ricardo around is okay.

I got in the car wth Jordanne in the passengers seat and Ricardo flying around in the back. Maybe it's a good thing we kept him small- he can travel with us. But we weren't really traveling, we were just driving twenty minutes in the car. But knowing us, we'd be late.

"Are we there yet?" Jordanne complained.

"We've been in the car for five minutes, calm down." I laughed a bit.

She just groaned in response, but Ricardo threw a can that she left in the car at her and gave her the "Ricardo look" which basically meant to stop.

"Thanks Ricardo! Helping clean up everything in here- Jordanne's mess and Jordanne's attitude." I smiled at her when she rolled her eyes. "What went up your butt?" I asked.

She shrugged. "I can't decide if I'm excited or nervous for today."

"You're excited." I nodded once.


"Are we here early or something?" Jordanne whispered.

"The invitation says one, it's one-fifteen. So I don't know, let me look at the invite-"

"BOO!" Was yelled.

Jordanne went into karate stance as quick as possible and I just dropped the paper and screamed. Ricardo fell to the floor.

Everyone started to laugh. "We got you guys so good!" Parker yelled at us.

"That was so mean!" I yelled back.

"Oh come on, you can't blame us. We just had to." Bayani walked out of the crowd. "How's it going, guys?"

"Considering I was scared half to death in doing-"

"Bitchani!" Jordanne interrupted me.

"Wow, fuckface, been like, six years since I've heard that nickname." He laughed a bit. By now, everyone was just talking like the friends the Cube group is. "I haven't missed you one bit!"

"Of course you have, everyone loves me!" Jordanne argued. "I bet Dylan and Tomahawk missed me more than anything."

Tomahawk walked over with a wink and a laugh. "Sure, Jordanne."

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