Chapter Fifteen

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Jordanne's POV

"This is it." Lilly said to the group.

I hugged Ricardo. "I hope this doesn't kill you, machete maniac." I said.

"You know, I was gonna say an inspirational speech but then was like "fuck it."" Bayani shrugged.

"I can quote something from The Maze Runner!" I raised my hand.

A few people of the group gave me a weird look, while the others smile and kinda cheered because Maze Runner. (obvious reason)

"Alright, you know, I think I'll just say some inspiration stuff." Bayani decided quickly. "We are gonna go in there and fight that mother wither. We're gonna try our hardest to kill it- if we don't, then this stuff will continue and the withers could take over the whole world. But if we do finish it, then we can make this history and this will stop and we can go back to our normal lives. We can all go back to what we were doing before these games- and we can finally have internet back. Sound like a plan?" Bayani said.

"But...will it kill Ricardo?" I asked quietly.

Everyone was silent. "We don't know, Jordanne." Lilly said after a minute.

I gave Ricardo a hug and I saw Tomahawk look at his withers. "I'll try my hardest to protect you, little guy. Just don't go all evil on me." I smiled to him.

We all looked at each other, everyone exchanging looks. "Is everyone ready?" Dylan asked. "Tomahawk are you okay?" Dylan asked.

"What? Huh? Yeah, I'm...fine." Tomahawk replied.

"Great, then let's do this thing!" Bayani yelled.

We all started running to where the tracker was pointing. It was making noises like a metal detector would, and Lilly, Dylan, and Bayani kept yelling "ITS THIS WAY!"

I tuned the guys out when I looked around at everyone in the group running. I can't believe this all started with just a little game...for my favorite YouTubers. I never thought I'd get the chance to meet them, and never in a million years would I have thought we would be on a team together. And sure, this situation with Robot-Domination, really sucks, but being a team with these guys is actually kinda great. (not Bayani though...he's okay.)

I was snapped out of my daydream thinking when we heard a loud explosion. "I guess this is it guys, FIND THE MOTHER WITHER!" Dylan yelled.


I started running a random direction after grabbing two hands and dragging them my way.

Once we got a ways away I realized I had grabbed Lilly, and Bayani. Of course it was Bayani. But I also realized that we were on a dirt mountain and there were a lot of these white plastic things everywhere.

"Where do you guys think we are?" I asked.

"Hollywood." Lilly said.

"How so- oh." Bayani said when we saw what Lilly was looking at. A broken Hollywood sign.

"You still got the tracker?" I asked her.

"Yeah, this way." Lilly said and we began walking.

We came across a cave. "This is where our mother wither is at?" I asked.

"Looks like it. But we better be armed, I don't think the tracker will work in this cave." Bayani said.

"I'm armed." I said holding up my knife and looking at Ricardo.

We're A Team | Cube SMPTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang