Chapter Five

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Jordanne's POV

"Jordanne, wake your ass up," I heard.

I rolled over and mumbled. "Five more minutes."

"Lilly, is this seriously what you had to deal with throughout the games?" The same voice said.

"Yeah," Lilly laughed. "Pretty much. Let's try a different approach."

"Okay," the guy voice chuckled. "Jordanne, if you don't get up in the next two seconds there's going to be ice cold water poured on you." Yep, that's definitely Bayani.

"You really want to try that?" I questioned him. "I still have a knife."

"Uh, no you don't. Dylan took it away while you were sleeping."

"I can still kill you."

He scoffed. "Oh really, how?"

"Pour water on me and find out," I shoved my face farther into my arms. "Now, unless we're getting attacked, I suggest you give me five more minutes."

"No can do, we have to get into the HQ. Now I suggest you come with us to make a plan."

I got up slowly just to make him even more irritated. He rolled his eyes and we all gathered around where Dylan was.

"Good morning Jordanne, nice of you to join us," Dylan said.

Bayani scoffed. "She's just a little ray of sunshine today."

After shooting a quick death glare at him I decided to get involved. "So, what's the plan?"

"That's what we're here for," Lilly said.

"Yeah, we all discuss together," Dylan explained. "So, plans?"

"I say we go at it," I suggested. "I know it's risky but with four of us and a freaking Wither, what could go wrong?"

"You're putting way too much confidence in that stupid Wither," Bayani said.

"Ricardo took down an adult Wither," I argued.

"After we got it down to a small amount of health."

"But he still killed it, didn't he? He's useful."

"No, he's not. He's just going to get in our way."

"Ricardo will save your life one of these days and you'll see how silly you are being. Speaking of which, where is my little guy?"

"Don't know, don't care."

"Back to the plans," Dylan interrupted. "We go in teams, Lilly and I, you and Bayani."

"What?!" Bayani and I yelled in unison.

"It's perfect because then you guys can resolve some of the issues you guys are having," Dylan smiled.

"But neither one of us has a bow, so we can't take down the Withers," I tried to argue my way out of this. But just my luck, Dylan traded his bow for Bayani's knife. "Woah woah woah, he gets the bow?"

"Yes, and before I forget, here's your knife. You have about a half an hour to prepare with your team and then we leave."


"Alright guys, time to go," Dylan said. So far we haven't came up with a plan. For the most part we argued, rolled eyes, and made death threats. During that time Ricardo came back over to where we were.

"Great, we don't even have a plan," I sighed. "Come on Ricardo, let's go."

We walked to the outer area of the HQ base. We could hear the explosions of the Withers in the near distance.

"It's now or never," I said. "The headquarters are a good sprint away, but as long as we can hold the Withers back long enough, we should make it."

Bayani sighed. "It's the only plan we have."

"Yep, and we have Ricardo. He should help you when you can't shoot the bow."

"What are you going to do?"

"Listen, I'm short. If you think I can stab the Withers from here, you're on something. Now, we go on three. One two th--"

Before I could even finish he ran. I gave a quick sigh before chasing after him. They were shooting Withers back while we ran to the building that was in eyesight.

Before I knew it I was pushed on the ground with both of the guys shooting a Wither

"What the hell was that for?" I asked as we ran again.

"I just saved your life," he rolled his eyes. "A simple thank you would be nice."

I scoffed. "I'd rather kiss Dylan than thank you."

"Fine, whatever. Have fun saving yourself."

We were approaching the door of the headquarters when we ran into the other group. We all went inside, as a group.

Someone looked up at us. Someone unexpected.




DUN DUN DUUUUUUUUUUUUUUN. Hey guys, cliffhanger. I know, I hate cliffhangers as much as the next person, but I couldn't help myself. It's kind of fun!

But anyways, if you did enjoy this chapter, be sure to leave a vote, comment, and suggest it to your friends.

Hope you all have a great day or night! Until next chapter.


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