Chapter Sixteen: Hey You

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Before we even continue, I need to say something to you. You've stuck around throughout my story, and I thought I should really tell you, were nearing the end. Whether you'll like it or not only you'll know.

I'm done now, back to the happenings of the Walking Contradiction:

We all lay on the bed, staring at the ceiling. The quiet surrounding us.

"You think you're better now Spence?"Annabeth asks, breaking the silence.

Well I spoke to soon.

I hesitate before I answer, though I'm not even sure why. "Surprisingly yes. Despite what Briarwood did, and all the other stuff that's happened I'm feeling better."

Sofie puts in,"You did shut her up."

"Yes. The best way to shut a person up is by showing them your scars,"I mutter while brushing a strand of blonde hair away from my face.

Annabeth says while sitting herself up, "Your sarcasm is not appreciated."

"It never is." I get off the bed in one quick movement and walk over to the closet. I keep my back turned to them as I continue with the conversation. "I can't believe I did any of that."

Which I really can't, a few weeks, well days even, I would have stayed quiet and just endured it. How I managed to tell her off -sort of- I don't know.

Annabeth sits up, running her fingers through her gold hair as she does so. "I can. It's about damn time you say something about him."

"Oh shut up."

"Never." Her voice full of defiance, and childlike innocence.

I turn around to glare at her.

"I stand by my words,"she says. She sounds confident but her eyes say differently. Strands of her hair get in her eyes, but she doesn't bother to move them though. We keep our eyes locked, then she gets up. "Come on Spencer. Say something."

"Ferme La Bouche,"I say.

At that Annabeth turns to Sofie. "What did she say?"

She looks up from her phone. "She said Close Your Mouth, or shut up. My French is still iffy on somethings." She pauses, a thoughtful expression on her face before she replies," You should've chosen French not Spanish."

Annabeth throws her hands up in aggravation. "I fucking went with Spanish to understand your ass."

Sofie's brown eyes meet mine for a second before she looks back at Annabeth and says: "A horrible decision really. I could have taught you myself."

Oh you know, could've, should've, would've.

Annabeth's mouth opens in surprise for a second before she says: "Hang on Sofie, I got something for you." Annabeth puts her hand in her pocket, she seems to be searching for something. Her expression being one of worry. A moment later she seems relieved. "Found it."

She keeps her hand on her pocket, waiting for Sofie to become impatient. It doesn't take to long.

"Dios mio, que es?"

Yeah... Sofie starts talking Spanish when she's impatient. It's part of the way I learned Spanish.

Annabeth grins evilly, and pulls out her hand. She shows Sofie her middle finger. Sofie's jaw drops as Annabeth puts her hands over her mouth, trying to hide her laughter. (Much like in the picture above.)

"Asshole,"Sofie mutters.

"I know I am."

I roll my eyes at the both of them before turning back to the closet. I skim around for my jacket, more like his jacket. I find it between my sweater and Annabeth's hoodie she gave me.

As I'm pulling it off the hanger I can feel an arm around my waist. I turn, and almost jump. His brown eyes stare back at me. His curly brown hair falling into them.

Why does this keep happening?


"I told you I let you go."

"And I haven't let you go. Besides you still have my jacket." How could I forget how stubborn and possessive he was.

"I've had it. Now I'm returning it."

"You think you can handle that?"

"I don't think." I turn to Sofie and Annabeth. They're eyes lock with mine, and I nod. They get off the bed, and walk out of the open door. I turn back to Sawyer. "I know."

After that I walk out of the door to.

* *

I place the jacket on the gravestone without hesitation. I can feel three people watching me. Annabeth, Sofie, and Sawyer. "Giving you back what belongs to you,"I murmur quietly.

He puts his hand on my shoulder. "If this is what you wish."

"It is."

He nods. "This is goodbye. For real this time Spencer."

I can feel him kiss my cheek. Then all at once his complete presence is gone.

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