Chapter Five: If I Die Young

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Funny when you're dead how people start listening,- The Band Perry

It was snowing down really hard. I was driving, for once in my life. I'm bit sure where I was going,  but I had the sense that something bad was going to happen.

A moment later headlights appear and I jerk the steering wheel. Doesn't matter, the cars still crash.

I sit up screaming. I'm covered in sweat and the blanket is partially wrapped around me.

I glance toward the clock on the night stand, 9:30I need to get ready. The nightmare was just a nightmare. With a sigh I slide out of my bed, walking toward the closet quickly. I pull the dress out of the closet.

I can't believe they talked me into this, I think to myself as I slide off my shirt and sweats. I quickly pull the dress on, and grab my shoes from where I left them. I pull my hair out of its ponytail and run my fingers through it with one hand, keeping my shoes in the other hand. That's all I plan to do my hair.

Not like I'm impressing someone.

I stuck my phone in my bra and head downstairs, pulling my shoes on as I do so. Not even a moment later I get a text from Annabeth.

We're outside. Hurry, it's starting to snow.

I kiss my mom on the cheek as I head outside. The bad feeling in my stomach remaining.  It's just a nightmare.

"Have fun,"she calls after me. "Love you."

Fun, sure.


"There's not supposed to be this much snow,"Annabeth mutters.

"Forecasters can be stupid sometimes,"Sofie grumbles.

Sofie's driving. Annabeth is in the backseat while I'm in the passengers side.

It's just a nightmare. I think. Just a nightmare. The feeling in my stomach intensifies.

Sofie swears as more snow comes down. The windshield wipers wipe it off. Headlights, Sofie jerks the starting wheel to the right, the car swerves. We still hit the car in front of us. The front of the car smashes inward on impact. I fly forward, the seatbelt ripping. The moment my head smashes through the windshield I lose consciousness.

When I'm conscious again, I'm being rushed into the emergency room. My head is killing me and my body feels numb. A breathing mask is being pressed to my face by a man in scrubs. He looks down for a moment. His dark brown eyes hold my gray ones.

"She's up,"he tells the other doctors. Then he talks to me. "You'll be just fine."

"How do you know,"I manage to ask.

He smiles at me, despite this situation. "Cause you look like a fighter."

I don't respond to him. Black spots swim in my vision. Instead of the man with brown eyes, I see Sawyer. He's no longer bleeding but the spot where he was shot is red.

"Spencer,"he smiles.

"Am I dying?"

Sawyer's smile goes away. "Yeah love. But we can be together again Spencer."

"But what about Annabeth, Sofie? My parents?"

"I think they'll understand."


"I'll be waiting Spencer. I'll never leave you."

Then he walks away. Everything goes black. My heart beat is slowing. I'm finding it harder to breath.

I'm coming Sawyer, I think. I'm coming.

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