Chapter Twenty Seven

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“Well this has certainly been an eventful night!” Janice remarked as she greeted a weary but grim looking Danny as he came through the front door of his flat, accompanied by Joe, It was just over four hours later since Kelly had phoned her, and let her know what happened.

Janice had wasted no time in coming around to Kelly, and then phoning up the police station to find out what was happening. The police confirmed that he had been taken to the station for questioning, but they would probably be releasing him soon.

So Joe had driven to the police station to go and pick Danny up and bring him back home

“Are you alright?” Kelly came up behind Janice, eyeing Danny anxiously up and down. And laying her hand on his arm, leading him into the living room

“Yeah I am fine” he replied flatly

“He is lucky,” Joe spoke up, “a few of the eye witnesses in the pub told the police that the other guy was doing most of the mouthing, and provoking Danny, so some of the police men were sympathetic and understanding when they realised Danny had served in the army. That’s why they ended up releasing him tonight. But the guy could still press charges of assault, he ended up having to go to the hospital where they are trying to fix up his face, so Danny could still end up in court”

“Oh Danny!” Kelly exclaimed in dismay, “This is the last thing you need right now”

“It wasn’t like I went out looking for a fight,” Danny replied defensively, “But I wasn’t going to let him off with talking a load of crap, especially when he has never been in Ireland in his life, and thinks he knows everything about it. That’s why I lost it, when I think cowards like him, mouthing of, and telling me what’s right and what’s wrong, after everything I’ve been through… the comrades I have lost-” he broke off there, his expression darkening. “I would happily punch him all over again, he deserves it”

“You shouldn’t talk like that, fighting and getting into punch ups, is not going to solve anything” Kelly then admonished him

“Maybe not, but it made me feel better,” Danny returned. his expression still grim

Kelly shook her head in bewilderment, “what has got into you Danny? You put some fella in hospital, its nothing to be proud of”

“Who’s side are you on?” Danny now turned to frown at her

“I am on your side,” Kelly replied indignantly, “ but I just don’t want to see you ending up in prison”

“It won’t come to that, I didn’t beat him up that badly.” Danny assured her

“But you still beat him up enough that got you arrested for it. So what happens the next time you lose it with someone?” Kelly demanded

“Oh here we go, I know what this is leading up too,” Danny rolled his eyes, “I guess you would want me to plea insanity because I am screwed up from getting caught in a bomb. Though that could be a good defence I guess, Hey why don’t we ring up a psychiatrist right now, and we can talk it all away, or even better, I could end up in some loony bin instead of jail ” he drawled mockingly

“Danny there is no need to be like that,” Janice protested, at the injustice of his statement “No one is even suggesting you are going insane. We are all just worried about you; even I can see the way you have changed lately, and you are not yourself, so Kelly has a point, and the poor girl has been sitting here worried to death about you, so there is no need for the sniping, and being horrible to her”

“And what has it to do with you anyway?” Danny snapped aggressively, “I will talk to her anyway I like, I am her husband!”

“No, you are not!” Kelly declared shakily, her eyes filling up with threatening tears as she turned to him “You are more like a stranger… and I hardly recognise you at times, especially now tonight, all I know, my husband, the man I married is kind and thoughtful and caring,... and I just want him back. But I don‘t know how anymore” she finished with a heart wrenching sob, then getting up, unable to bear being in the same room as him, and fleeing to the bedroom.

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