Wedding dresses

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Michelle's wedding is next week and were all busy,trying to get everything right. I'm going wedding dress shopping with her today too.

Me and Shane sit in the room with all the dressers. I get up and look at them,they're so pretty.

"You like this?" Michelle says,showing us a long dress with a flower pattern.

"Yeah it's nice." I say.

"What you looking at?" Shane asks,getting up.

"Dresses." I shrug.

I hope one day I get married. There's so much I want to do,pick my dress and bridesmaids.

Shane watches me as I look through and as I sit down he pulls me close.

"You like those dresses don't you?" He says.

"Yeah..there really nice." I say.

"You'd look amazing in this one." Shane says,pointing to a dress that has patterns down the front and back.

"It is." I say.

"Go try it on." He says.

"I'm not getting married silly." I say.

"You might do one day." He says.

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