Ollie's new girl

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Michelle takes me with her,to get some baby clothes.

"Shane you coming?" I ask.

"He'll hate it." Michelle says.

"I'd rather stay here to be honest." He laughs.

"See you later!" Michelle walks out and starts the car.

"Brogan,wait a minute." Shane says.

"What's up?" I ask.

"Do you wanna go out for dinner later?" He smiles.

"Of course,see you soon." I kiss him.

"See you later babe." He smiles.

I walk out and get in the car with Michelle.

She drags me round all the baby shops.

"This is so cute!" She grabs a hat with a snowman on.

I sit on the bench and wait for her.

I see Ollie coming down the street.

He's with a girl.

"Hey brogan." Ollie says. "This is Miranda."

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