Boyfriend and Girlfriend

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Shane agreed to spending the morning here,but had to go home later.

We just stayed in my room,talking.

"So what are we then?" Shane asks.

"What do you mean?" I say.

"Are we boyfriend and girlfriend or is that too soon?" He asks.

"Are you trying to ask me to be your girlfriend?" I giggle.

"Yes!" He laughs.

"Then yes." I run up and kiss him.

He smiles and wraps his arms around me and swings me round.

Michelle walks past and looks confused.

"You and Shane?" She asks.

"Yes,he's my boyfriend." I hug into him and smile.

"Oh my god"! Michelle screams. "Ollie!"

"Tell the world why don't you." Shane smirks.

"What?" Ollie says.

"They're going out!" Michelle grins.

"Pulled!" Ollie punchs Shane's arm and laughs.

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