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Shane drives us home in silence.

He has tears in his eyes.

I get straight out the car and go straight upstairs.

I cry and cry.

Why me?

"Brogan?" Michelle comes over and sits with me. "Is it true?"

I nod and she starts to cry.

"Shane's so upset. He won't even talk." She says.

"Tell him to come up." I say.

He comes up and sits on the sofa.

His eyes are red and he has tear marks on his face.

I start to cry again.

"Come here." He mumbles.

I sit next to him.

"I'll be here ok? Through everything. Nothing will stop me from caring and loving you. Your the best person in my life and without you,I couldn't live. If I have to shave my hair off,I will. If I have to give up everything,I will. I'll do anything for you." He says.

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