Chapter Five (Part 2)

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At the hospital, Jeydon was rolled up in bed with his head in his hands. I only saw that when I stod by his room, looking in. I didn’t get to go in because he requested no visitors.

When I looked at him, butterflies bottled up in my belly, making the baby nudge.

After a while, making sure Jeydon was some-what alright.

I had Stella take me home.

After that, two months passed until Jeydon spoke to me. My life was so irregular for the two months without him. But, Stella kept me busy with housekeeping and putting the nursery together. We finally finished it, we even got the changing table.

Stella invited Jeydon and Shawn over for dinner.

Jeydon brought over his little sister, Eliza.

She and I played a game of hide and go seek, and let’s just say kids are a lot of work.

“Laci, there’s a baby in you like my mommy had… My mommy says that only happens when you’re married and in love.” Eliza spoke in a cute little girl voice, “Are you in love and married?” She giggled.

“Laci’s situation is a little different, Eliza.” Jeydon butted in and kneeled down to get on Eliza’s level.

“Bubby!” She threw her arms around him.

He kissed her forehead.

I rubbed my tummy.

One day, I might have a son and a daughter and he’d do that for her.

I hope I have a son and that he’ll be exactly like Jeydon.

“Laci, why are you looking at me like that?” Jeydon asked after he let Eliza go.

I wrapped my arms around myself, instantly embarrassed. “I was just thinking that if I have a boy… I want him to be exactly like you.” And nothing like Aiden.

“Ah. I see.” He blushed. “Have you thought of any names yet? I mean… You are pretty close aren’t you?”

I nodded, with my face still being red. “Yeah, 15 weeks left.”

“So do you have any names yet?” He was prying.

“Um… A few… Cassia, Raine, Blake… That’s the only ones.” I shrugged.

Why did the air suddenly feel all awkward?

“Those are cute names.” Jeydon bent over a bit and rubbed my belly, “Hello their baby. When you come out, you’ll have a happy mommy waiting for you.” He smiled and looked up at me.

He looked up at me and that made butterflies rise up in my belly.

I don’t know if I’m happy, should I be?

After everything happened…

I was raped; my parent’s sent me away… Getting called a whore by the entire school… Jeydon’s mom dying along with her baby, what if me and my baby die too?

So how could I be happy?

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