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Peyton and I went to a little cafe to get some lunch and I must say I loved it. I love the little mom and pop type shops and not the big chain companies. I don't know why I guess it's just the mom and pop shops seem to care more and feels more welcoming than a chain restaurant.
R-Thanks for the date Peyton. I had a great time.
P-Me too.

*At Rows house*

RM-Row honey. We need to talk.
R-Umm...okay? What's up?
RD-Listen I know you and Peyton just started dating...
RM-Row sweetly were not breaking you to up
R-oh. Sorry
RM-well you see honey your father and I got a promotion!
RD-To London...
RM-Rowan honey I understand you're upset but we had to take it. It's more money that'll help with your brother and sister!
R-Mom Dad I can help!! Let me use my paycheck from the show to get stuff! Oh my god the show!! Sabrina, Sarah, Olivia! My friends! PEYTON!!
RD-Rowan we are NOT having you use YOUR money to help with OUR job as a parent. When oh have kids WHEN YOU'RE 30! You can use your paycheck on them!
RM-and as far as the show goes...we've already talked to Michael and the season finale will also be the series finale. But Peyton, Corey, Sabrina, Ben, and Danielle will have another show with him so they're not completely out of work.
R-How could you guys not tell me BEFORE Michael? HOW??!!
RD-Rowan sweetie we needed to let him know so he doesn't make huge plan for the finale of the show where your character gets into something big and then leave it there forever.
R-I can't believe this! What about acting in general?!
RM-Until you turn 18 and can move back to the United States it looks like you're not gonna be an actress. You can do theatre work over there and all. You just can't work on girl meets world. I'm so sorry sweetie!

I ran out of the house as quickly as possible. You might be thinking where is she running. Well you see I'm running to Peyton's house! I have to tell him. I have to tell everybody. And yea his house is a little far but I don't care I'm running to his house!

Peyton's POV

I'm sitting in my room looking through the reyton hashtag when I hear the doorbell go off. No one is home so I decide to go answer it. As soon as I notice who's standing in front of me I'm shocked!
P-ROWAN?! OMG how did you get here? Where are your parents? Why didn't you text me you were coming over I could be naked right now in my room and my mom might of been home and then you'd see me naked in my room
P-Oh yeah. Sorry. Forgot you just ran here. Cmon in.
P-No problem. So what's up?
All of a sudden Rowan broke down crying and I immediately pulled her into a hug!
P-Rowan. Babe what's wrong. Cmon babe you can talk to me. Talk to your Prince.
R-My...parents...are...making...me...move...to...London...till I...turn 18
She cried into my chest as I just stroked her hair feeling so bad for her. She loves to act and her moving means that she'll be away from it all. From Sabrina, Sarah, Olivia, Corey, me. This is all to much for me. I can't believe she's gonna leave!
R-Peyton I hate to say this but...
P-Rowan please!
R-We should break up!
P-No Rowboat please! We can make it work. I promise. I'll wait for!
R-Peyton I don't want to hold you back. I want you to be able to date a girl who's in the same state as you. Or at least country!
P-Rowan I'll visit you any chance I get! I promise you we can make this work! Please!
R-Peyton...I love you so much! So much that I'm willing to let you go and be with people! And if we somehow come back together in the end then we were meant for each other! And if we don't then it was just another Hollywood couple to fall out into the dust!
*phone rings*
P-It's Michael *sighs*
M-Hey Peyton I called Rowan she didn't answer but we need to have a cast meeting now please. If you could swing by Rowan to grab her that'd be great.
P-actually she's here with me now. And yeah we'll be over in like 10. Okay?
M-Perfect! See you two then! Bye.
P-We gotta go to set Michael needs us! Does he already know or are you telling him today?
R-He already knows!
P-Before me?!
R-Peyton...he knew before I did. My parents didn't will me till after our date today. Michael has known. He already has plans for you and the rest of the cast for a new show together. It just doesn't include me. The season finale is the ending. I think I'm moving away or something on there and that's the end. The end of Girl Meets Wold!
R-Please can we just not talk about it. Please Peyton...
She started crying and I could feel my heart break into a million pieces. I feel so bad for her. Her parents are practically ruining her life. I just want to be there for her no matter what! But now I can't
A/N-I honestly am so sad about writing this chapter. I just ruined everything I'm sorry! But hey it'll play out in the end...or will it?!😈 so yeah if you want updates on the story or if you want to ask me questions my Twitter is @hollyjensen24 I'll answer back. Love you guys!!😘😘😘 thanks for sticking with this story even though I haven't updated in forever (which is so gonna change cause I've had to much inspiration and I'm out of writers block now!)

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