Crazy day

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Hey guys sooooo sorry for the wait of this chapter I have been busy in the last couple of weeks so yeah. I hope you like this chapter it’s pretty long. I haven’t edited this chapter so sorry for the spelling and grammar mistakes.






“Josie Josie” I heard someone shout. Whoever it was their hands were on my shoulders shaking me. I tried opening my eyes, it took a while but when I did what surprise me was that brother was the one shouting.

He said something but I couldn’t hear his eyes were full of concern. He helped me up. I put my hand to my head it was really sore and my eyes were blurry. Paul said something else but I couldn’t still hear.

“What did you say” I asked.

 He frowned then suddenly turned his head and said something. I turned my head to see that Aunt Isobel entered my room. She said something but I didn’t hear a word. Paul told her something that made her laugh which I was happy to not hear because of how evil she is. I just stared at them as they talked and when they turned to look at me like they were waiting for something I just stared back.  Then what seemed like forever she left the room followed by Paul.

What was happening to me? Why couldn’t I hear? Why was my head so sore? I sat on the floor letting my back lean on my desk. I can’t remember what happened before I woke up. I looked down to see a yellow necklace. That’s when everything comes back to me. I grabbed the necklace and throw it across the room.

I know what that necklace was, I’ve read about it before it was what gave you magic. Why was I so stupid to even want to wear it? I shook my head a couple of times. Then I felt something on my neck. I froze at that moment and put my hand to my neck. The yellow necklace was around my neck I thought I throw it. I tried to rip it off but it didn’t come off.

“Jossieee” Someone whispered. I jumped and looked around to see who whispered my name. No one was here.

“Jossieee” Another whisper which made shivers down my spine and that’s when the crazy stuff began.

Radom books on my shelfs came went flying the air some hitting me on the head. My clothes were thrown around ripping in shreds. My windows broke and curtains blown away. Sheets of paper were everywhere. Then yelling voices and whispers started happening in my head. I put hand on my head trying to stop the voices. I didn’t know what they were saying. I looked up to see my books opening and closing or disappearing.

I felt stabs in my chest then my back even on my legs and it wouldn’t stop. I tried to get up but I always end up knocked to the floor.  I saw flashes of people’s faces I didn’t know who they were.

“Stop it” I yelled.

 That even made things worse as I looked down at my legs I felt something really hot, that’s when my legs were on fire I tried to stop it but it would not stop. Then it stopped and now I felt really cold as I looked at my legs again slowly my legs were turning to ice  it kept  going up soon it cover my whole body. It stopped there,  I slowly got up looking around my messy dirty room. I sighed in relief it all stopped. I was wrong again a rush of wind come at me I fell back, I slam to the floor which killed.

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