The Akatsuki finds out

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It was just a normal day at the hideout planing how we will capture the tailed beasts and/or the jinchuriki. And of course we wouldnt think that any company would ever come. But our secret messager bird that rarely ever comes came and brought the messenge "hi sweet hearts we were wondering if we can come and if you say no we will come any way " from your moms. We freaked out as we said "oh crap we still havnt told our moms about our secret group.when they find out they are going to kill us" . Then Pain had a idea he said " we can pretend we are just best friends and have made a group called the pretend akatski's but another problem is I am crippled in a cave in reality and I just use the six paths of pain to hide it so I will tell them I use it because I became severly injured in a war and use this so I don't get hurt even worse" . That was our plan and we would stick to it.

A/N I really try my best when I make these and I know there are people who are better than me and I would be happy if I could get feedback from you.

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