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Before anyone comments on my writing, I know it's boring, I know I didn't put very much effort into it. But, you know, it's the only SGTTZA fanfic out there and until someone writes another one, this is all I've got. So enjoy reading because I've tried to include a lot of Carter scenes because Logan Miller is 👌👌👌

"Mom, he's not my dad, why am I spending time with him?" My head rests on my hand as I stare out the car window during our drive to my step dad's house.

"Because we are moving in with him, and I want you to be more friendly with him."
She pulls into his driveway. I look at the quaint little house and find all the lights to be off and the car missing.

"If you wanted me to be closer with him, we could have gone out for dinner, not send me on a scouting trip with him."

"You loved scouts when you were younger, and you're gonna love it now. Now get going to the camp, you've been here before."

"I was 10 when I was in scouts." I lazily slump out of the car and pull my camping bag with me.
It's just me and mom at the moment, not for long since we're moving in with Frank, her boyfriend. We only live a city away so it's not a big move. We sold our house near the end of the school year so we could start our move this summer. I reach in my pocket and feel some change rattling around.
I turn off his street and come into view of a plaza. There's a liquor store, a strip club, a deli, and a convenience store. My feet carry me towards the plaza and across the front of the liquor store where I pass by a man sitting with some bags by the entrance to the store.
I scoff just as I'm crossing the lot towards the store when a silver car almost hits me in the side. It zips around the corner and I put my hands out for it to hit instead of me. I look dumbfounded at the two boys in the car. The one driving looks sorry and shocked at the same time, while the boy in the passenger seat looks angry and confused.

"Are you fucking blind?" I shouted at them.

"No, I'm so sorry!" The boy in the drivers seat with side-swept hair attempted to get out of the car but the other boy in the passenger seat yanked him back in and stuck his head out the window.

"Hey sweets, why don't you get your head out of your ass and watch where you're going!"

"Maybe my heads in my ass so I don't have to look at you."

"Oh, you're feisty." He barred his teeth. With a flip of my middle finger, I was off.
My first day starting to live in this place had so far been a drag. I've only ever been here on weekends. To go out for dinner, watch a movie; "family stuff".

The convenience store is small but seems to carry a lot with all the products squished together. I go to the chip and bar section and pick up a box of energy bars for only $2. I hold it under my arm and head to the counter and place it down. I could out my quarters and dimes until I have exactly $2. I say Thank You and shove the box into my backpack. I towards the dirt road in the forest that's near a middle school to start my weekend making fires, learning about animals, and watching boys earn badges.

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