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Our first thought was to go to the police station across town.
My heart was pounding right out of my chest as I sat in the car. "My heart feels like it's going to explode." I grabbed Carter's hand and placed it on my chest to feel my pounding heart. I let go of his hand and expected it to fall, but he kept it on my chest, just inches from my breasts.
"You can move your hand now." I looked at his eyes which were wide open looking at my chest.

"I don't want to." He said breathlessly.
With a roll of my eyes, I swiped his hand off my chest and the car stopped in front of the police station. We ran out towards the front doors, only to be let down by a sign telling us the town had already been evacuated.

"Oh great, I missed the party, I missed everything." Carter complained.

"Guys!" Denise shouted over his rambling and directed our attention to yet another hoard of zombies running towards us.

"Get inside." I flung the door open and held it for them all to get in.

"Carter lock it! Lock it!"

"I'm trying!"

Ben and Carter argued back and forth until the brilliant idea from Denise, who put a flag pole in the doors so they couldn't be opened. We ran down a hall way to be greeted by a zombie with a gun. He burst out of a set of doors and started shooting frantically at the ceiling and walls. I jumped down beside a desk and waited for the bullets to stop being fired. Before I knew it, Carter split him in the back of the head with an axe. After a quick bro moment with him and Ben, we were off again down a hall.
Turing down different corners and running down stairs, Denise directed us to a jail cell in the basement. Ben slammed the door shut just as all the zombies reached it. They put their arms through the bars to try and grab us, but we all squished together in a ball. I was pressed into Carter with his arms wrapped around my chest, and an awkward grabbing on my breasts.

"Carter those are my tits!" I shouted over everyone's screaming and zombie gurgling.

"I know!" He yelled back half crying half laughing.

I scrambled to get his hands off me while trying to keep him close at the same time. My best position was to hug him with his arms at his sides to keep him away from the zombies and my boobs.
We all got too tired to scream and the zombies got too tired to fight for us. I let go of Carter and slid my back down the wall to where I was sitting. Denise swatted a zombie hand away before she joined me. Ben grabbed a mop that was in the cell and did the same. Carter lastly flopped down beside me and adjusted his hat.

"My boobs hurt." I whined and crossed my arms over my chest to hug them closer.

"Sorry." Carter mumbled with a scoff from Denise following him. He then took out his phone and started taking photos with one of the zombies. I watched on awe at how he could make jokes out of a serious moment.
"What the fuck! " He shouted as he hit away a hand from a large zombie. "Haven't you already had enough to eat?" He looked him up and down and started taking more photos.

"You're going to agitate them." Ben sighed.

"What? I need a new profile pic." Carter leaned over to me with the camera facing us and began taking photos. I smiled with my teeth, with my mouth shut, rolling my eyes, and Carter did whatever faces he wanted to do. I did kissing lips and turned my face to Carter and he took a photo. I faced the camera again with another smile and felt his lips press on my cheek as he snapped another picture. The last one he took was of us, cheek to cheek while my smile was big and my eyes were squinted shut. We ended with a laugh and all was silent again.

"Do you think they evacuated everybody?" Ben broke the science.

"Yeah of course, they had to." Carter swiped through the photos on his phone.

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