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"That was a dick move, earlier." I said to Augie referring to when he talked about me liking Carter. I've admitted to myself now. Sure it hasn't been long, but he's fun and interesting, it's not hard to like someone first thing with such a personality.

"I know. I was just angry. It's not your fault."

"Yeah, I just got there. Carter asked me to go to a party, I said yes. I barely knew any of you, I didn't know any problems you were having."

Augie shrugged his shoulders then smiled. "You're closer with him though, right?"

"That's not what I was going for. I'm perfectly fine keeping feelings to myself."

"You'll feel better. Just watch."

I reached into my bag and pulled out my box of energy bars. "I've got energy bars if anyone wants any?" I opened the box and we all grabbed one.

"Why do you have a box of energy bars?" Carter asked as he took a bite of his bar.

"Because since I was going camping, I didn't know if I would ever get hungry. And isn't the scout motto, "always be prepared"?"

"Touché." Carter pointed at me with his granola bar.

"My feet are killing me." Denise complained as we all stuffed our wrappers into my bag.

"Well, security checkpoint is only a few miles away." Ben told us.

"Man, I'm thirsty. What else you got in that bag?" Carter asked me and I reached in and pulled out my water bottle and handed it to him. He took a long drink where he almost finished it. I grabbed it from him before he could drink the rest, and finished it off myself.

"You know they say humans taste like pork?" Augie tells us one of his facts.

"Who's they?" Denise asks as I put my empty water bottle back in my bag.

"Cannibals, I guess."

"Dude, I love bacon." Carter moans.

"Hey look. Maybe the keys are inside." Augie runs ahead to the truck we see in front of us. We all follow behind him and are startled by a zombie who appeared from behind it.

"This guy again?"

"I saw him earlier. You know him?" I ask Denise.

"Just some drunkie who hangs outside of the liquor store." Ben rolled his eyes.

"Somebody kill him." Carter commanded.

"We can't just go around killing people."

"Why not?"

"Because he's a human being!"

"Not anymore." I gesture to him.

"Guys, he's getting pretty close." Denise steps back.

"Remember our wilderness safety seminar?" Augie looked at Ben and Carter. "When encountering a hostile creature, be sure to assert yourself in order to keep the animal at bay. Rahhh!" Augie ran up to the zombie with his arms raised.

"That is a zombie, not a bear, dumbass."

The zombie growled back and Augie with his arms raised. Augie does a lower squeak and flaps his arms; the zombie follows.
"Rahrah." Augie and the zombie continue to mimic each other.
"Guys I think he's mimicking me."
"Oh baby baby, how was I supposed to know?" Augie starts singing the very recognizable Britney Spears song.
"That something wasn't right here."

I finally notice the shirt the zombie is wearing with a picture of Britney on it.

"Oh baby baby, I shouldn't have let you go, and now you're out of sight, yeah."

I start humming along with the lyrics and Carter starts mouthing them.
"Show me how you wanted to be, tell me baby, cause I need to know now all because my loneliness, is killing me."

"And I." Carter sings a solo.

"I must confess, I still believe."

"Did I just drop acid, or are they really singing Britney Spears with a zombie?"

"Nope. It's really happening." I watched as I hummed.

"Give me a sign, hit me baby one more!-" The singing stopped when our star was shot in the head.

"Awe," I started, "he had such talent."
We zipped around to see a man beside an army truck lowering a gun.

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