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"Why did she have to date such a loser?" I kick a stray branch on the ground as I pass two cars in a lot. One must be Franks because I can see the Dolly Parton bobble head swaying in the dashboard. I continue my walk down the trail until I hear voices yelling at each other. Following them, I come to a camp of three boys who are in the middle of setting up a tent.

"You guys are doing a great job." A boy with a backwards snap back on leans against a tree as he fiddles with something in his hands. "Call me if you need anything at all."

"Excuse me?" I step on a few stones to pass a stream. "Are you scouts?" I stand from afar and examine the boys. My face drops when I recognize two of them as the boys from the liquor store; another is tall and chubby.

"You're the girl from the parking lot." Snap back gets off the tree and looks at me cooly.

"Yes, congratulations for remembering the person you almost hit with your car and insulted. Do you guys know Frank?" I ask and look behind them for him but no luck in finding him.

"Frank Rogers? Yeah, he's our scout leader!" Chubby says over enthusiastically.

"Well I guess I'm spending the weekend with you."
They all look at me confused.
"I'm his step daughter. In an attempt to bond with me, he asked my to come camping with you guys."

"Well lucky you, you get to spend time with me." Snap back looks me up and down.

"Yeah, lucky me." I throw my bag off my shoulder and untie my tent from it.

"Do you need help?" Snap back walks over to me as I lay out my tent. "I'm Carter, by the way. That's Ben and Augie." He points to side sweep and chubby.

"I'm Rachel and sure, it's the least you can do after you almost hit me." I hand him the other side of the tent pole I'm holding and he walks to the side opposite of me.

"Hey, Ben was the one driving." He put his hands up in defence.

"At least he apologized, you just yelled at me."

"I can't just let my honour be insulted like that."

"I totally respect that."

"I thought you would."

"I didn't even know Rogers was dating anyone." Carter starts the conversation after a few awkward moments of silence.

"Yeah and sadly it had to be my mom."
He laughed.

"Don't like him?"

"Well, he only listens to Dolly Parton and only talks about the different kinds of shit he finds on the ground so no, not my kind of guy."

"That's what you get with Rogers. His whole life revolves around scouts."

"How long have you been doing it?"

"Since I was seven, but I want out."

"Why? My brother has been doing it since then and now he's in collage."

"God I don't know how people do it that long."

"How come you don't like it?"

"We prance around the woods in stupid outfits, naming all the different animals we can find and get badges for stupid things that I could do in my backyard, what's the fun in that?"

"I see your point. Why not quit?"

"I can't. I'm trying to get Ben to quit with me tonight so we can go to a party but he just won't leave Augie." He snaps his head up with a smile. "Come to the party with us."

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