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"Hop in." The man called to us and we ran over without a question. Augie, Ben and Carter grabbed the first back seats and Denise got shotgun. Carter tapped his lap with his hands and I slid onto him. I heard him wince as the car started up.

"You're crushing my dick." He said in a small voice.

"Sucks to be you." I leaned back on his chest, making sure all my weight was on him to get back for the boob thing.

"Is that all of you?" The man in the front asked us.

"Yeah, what the hell is happening?"
Ben said.

"Don't know yet. Some kind of viral outbreak. CDC ordered a military containment perimeter."

"Is most of the town evacuated?"Augie jumped up.

"As many as we could. This thing hit so hard and fast, we're still trying to contain it."

"What about everyone at the party? Were they evacuated?"

"What party?"

Me, Augie, and carter all looked at Ben. "Carter what's the address?"

I leaned forward to give Carter access to his pant pockets where he pulled out his phone and handed it to Ben with the screen lit up to show the address. Ben handed it to the driver who nodded and gave the phone back to Carter.

"Your legs are bony." I shifted to let him put his phone away.

"So is your ass."

"All asses are bony, but your legs are something else."

"Yeah, they're fabulous."

"Okay, we'll go with that word."

The truck pulled into the lot of a waste plant and I hopped out, followed by Carter and everyone else. "What a great party." I mocked.

"Where is everybody?" Augie stood beside me while Carter scrambled around.

"Nobodies here. Must be a mistake. 1146 Dunton Avenue, this is it."

"It's not a mistake, Carter, Jeff sent you a fake address. Carter this is waste plant, you get it? It's full of shit." Ben told him the honest truth and he looked like his soul was just ripped out.

"Motherfucker! Goddammit! I can't believe he sent us a fucking fake address!"

"Why does that surprise you? Did you actually think he was going to invite us to a real party?"

"Karma." Augie dragged out in a high pitched voice.

"What? Speak up." Carter started to turn red.

"I just think it's ironic that you're all upset because you got ditched."

"Oh, okay, so you're saying that we deserve it? We went to your stupid camp out."

"You lied to me."

"We've been lying to you for the last 3 years!"

"Guys, cool it."

Carter ignored me. "Going to every scout meeting, every lame field trip, wearing these stupid fucking clothes so everybody can make fun of us!"

"Carter that's enough!" Ben ran up and pushed him.

"Ben, you're not hiding behind me this time! And Rachel! Admit it, you thought we were losers when you first saw us at the camp!"

"That's not true."

"Bullshit. Tell him, Ben. Talk about how many times you say you hated scouts and how sick of it you were?"

"I never said that!"

"No, it's fine, it's time for it to all come out right?" Augie stops and points at Ben. "He's had a crush on Kendall since sixth grade."

"That's not true."

"Kendall? As in my sister Kendall? Dude, that's like incest!"

"No its not, I'm not even related to her!"

"So you do like her then?"

"No I don't like her!"

"Told you."

Ben ran and pushed Augie, Augie pushed Ben back, Carter pushed Ben, then they all broke out into a fight. I ran over and pulled on Carters shoulders as I pushed Bens chest away from Augie. It wasn't until we heard screams that all the hitting stopped. Denise was screaming from the car so we all ran over and swung open the doors. Ben and I ran to the passenger side and started pulling her out from underneath the solder. She slid out and started slamming the guys head between the door and car.

"Nice." I looked at the bleeding zombie hanging half way out of the car.

"Wa-wa-wee-wa." Carter sounded shock along with me, from the other side of the car.

From inside the car, a walkie-talkie started to make noises. Ben jumped over the body and brought out the walkie-talkie. All I could hear was static and Ben yelling into it, but clear as day, I heard they would be bombing the town.

"They're going to bomb the town in 2 hours?!" Augie shouted. "We have to find Kendall and the others!"

"It's a secret party, they could be anywhere."

"My sisters diary. She writes every last boring detail of her life in there. I guarantee she wrote down where the party is!" Carter said as he ran back to the truck. We piled in and headed straight for Carters house.

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