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"Okay, now."
We all ran out from behind the truck and towards Carters house. We hopped the fence, went through the backyard, and In through a glass door leading to the dining room. We followed him through the main floor and up the stairs where we got into Kendalls room which was all bright and pink.

"It smells like pixie sticks and hope in here." Augie stood surprised in the doorway.

"You've never been in a girls room before, have you?" Carter asked and we all looked at Augie.

"Yeah I-"

"Mom doesn't count."


"Any female relative doesn't count."

Augie just looked off in disappointment of himself.

"Can we focus? Where's the diary?" Denise finally came in.

"She changes the hiding place like every week so, spread out and start looking."

We break off to different parts of the room. I go to her bed and start feeling the pillows and under the mattress for any lumps. I have no luck so I continue to the closet.

"Guys, did you hear that? I thought I heard something downstairs." Ben stops us from our searching.

"Augie go check it out." Carter points to the door.

"I'm not going down there by myself."

"Go with him." Denise tries to stop their argument.

"Why me?"

"Call me when your balls drop, dude."

Carter sighs and leads Augie away out the door. It's now really quiet and awkward with just the three of us. "I'll, go with them." I stammered and walked out the door and towards the talking. I find Augie and Carter two rooms down in what seems to be Carters room with all the clothes all over the place, posters of half naked girls, almost no visible floor, and the smell of body odor mixed with cheap cologne.
"Carter, I will clean your room for like ten dollars." I look around the room to see what I would be dealing with.

"What do you mean? It's very clean."

"In what universe? Dude it smells just as bad in here as the blood all over your shirt."

Carter looks me right in the eye, grabs a bottle of cologne, sprays the air, then sprays himself.

"You just made it so much worse." I cough out as he takes large steps over his pile of filth.

"Oh come here." He squeezes me in a tight hug so that my nose is right on his chest where all the blood is and where he sprayed his cologne. He shook me a bit before letting go with a smile.

"Yeah dead blood and body spray don't mix."

He sniffed his shirt then shrugged. Augie stood looking at me with a weird expression on his face- eyebrows raised mouth in a half-smile; probably saying I told you so.
Carter grabbed a lacrosse stick and escorted us out of his room. We tip-toed down the stairs towards the kitchen. With every step Augie took, the floor creaked.

"Don't walk so hard." Carter whisper - shouted.

"You have squeaky floors."

"Both of you shut up!" I follow the two of them out the kitchen and to the dining room where the door to outside is wide open. "Who was last one in?"
They both shrugged. Carter went and shut the door.

"Hey Augie, Ben didn't want to leave you tonight, it was my idea."

"What difference does it make?" Augie sighed and walked towards the kitchen. Carter looked to the ground and back and I could tell this was really bothering him.

"He'll be okay." I walked up to him and rubbed his back in a comforting way.

"If I wasn't such a shitty person, maybe this wouldn't be happening."

"You being shitty isn't causing this. It's not your fault. You didn't want to be in scouts but you stayed anyways. Sure, you lied, but because of you lying, Augie kept you as a friend. So what you wanted to blow off one night to go to a party? You have a life too." I had swung my arm around his shoulder and he put his head on my shoulder.

"Thanks, Rachel. I guess it's just cause I flipped out earlier."

"You all did. Now forget it and live as much of your life as you can even if the world's going to shit." I kissed the top of his head as I gave him a quick squeeze. We started walking towards Augie when Carter was tackled to the ground by some zombie lady. Augie and I screamed as Carter wrestled with her on the ground. I noticed the lacrosse stick had flown out of his hand so I made a quick run to it. I swung back and hit the lady in the head and made her fly off him. Augie helped him up when a yell came from upstairs.

"What the hell is going on down there?" It was Denise.

"We're fine, everything's under control!" Augie yelled just as another zombie jumped into the house and onto Augie. Carter ran and my first instinct was to help Augie. I started to pull the zombie off him as he reached for the lamp on the coffee table and smashed it on the zombies head. Augie ran just as the zombie turned and looked at me. I stuck my arms out in defence to keep it off me. It's force pushed me into the glass cabinet as it was biting at my face. I let out a scream over the ones from the other room, when a fire poker came through the back of its head and almost touched my nose. I pushed the zombie off me and smiled at Augie who looked just as surprised as me. Our friend moment was over when we heard more screams from the living room. Augie and I ran over to find the old lady zombie chomping on Carters ass.
She noticed us come in and jumped off Carter to attack us. Augie took first action and rammed her under the open window.
Carter scrambled to pull up his pants and ran over to help Augie eliminate the zombie.

"Peace out, bitch!" Carter slammed the window down on her neck and cut her head clean off. We all paused for a moment, breathing heavily.

"Nice ass." I put my hands on my hips.

"Oh you'd love it." Carter managed a smile just as Ben and Denise came running down the stairs.

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