Chapter 2: Lies

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The 9 of us walked out of the classroom and began our tour. The Tzuyu girl was horribly quiet, even more than Mina usually is and in fact Mina was blabbing away to that Chaeyoung girl, while Momo was trying to talk to Dahyun using a bunch of starter questions, but Dahyun turned Momo down with one word. I looked to my sisters, they were having so much random fun, i guess, while I was walking silently next to Tzuyu.

"Um, so Tzuyu when is your birthday?" I asked, mentally face palming at my stupid question.

"April 23rd, 2982." She replied, "But, why do you care?"

"Uh, I-

"Never Mind, when is yours?" Tzuyu said.

"March 24, 2982, so I'm about 1 month older than you, you should call me Unni." I said.

"Are we that close?" Tzuyu asked coldly.

"Uh, not yet, sorry..." I replied.

"Don't say yet, because we are never gonna be close." Tzuyu said again.

"Hey, we could be close..." I replied quietly.

"No, we won't." Tzuyu said.

I just stared at her for a second. I honestly didn't know why this girl was so freaking cold. It's not like she gonna die from knowing me. After that brief conversation, we began the actual tour part.

"Okay, where do you guys wanna go first, the Gym or the canteen?" Momo said.

"The bathroom." Dahyun said.

"Uh, sure." Momo said, leading them down the hallway.

"So you take a left here and it's the bathroom that is closest to our classroom." Momo said.

"Thanks,are we done yet?" Dahyun said.

Momo looked at Dahyun with wide eyes. I guess these three girls really don't like us...

"Uh, well, if you wanna be..." Momo said quietly.

"Good, I'm heading back." Dahyun said.

With that the 3 sisters walked away leaving me, Momo, Mina, Jisoo, Nayeon and Jungyeon all just standing as we watched them go back to class.

"Wow..." Mina said.

"What the heck just happened?" I asked.

"We were turned down by the transfers." Jungyeon said.

Sighing, the six of us decied to go to the school garden, out little place. In fact, the school built a treehouse in the middle of the garden for exceptional students. The 6 of us earned the keys to the tree house, so we're heading there right now.

"Do you think those girls are Vamps?" Nayeon suddenly asked.

"No, Chae said that they moved due to discovering that there was a Vamp in their neighbourhood." Mina said.

"They could've been lying." Jisoo said.

"Nah, I don't think she was, she even mentioned that is was her best friend who was the vampire." Mina replied.

"Well, I guess we could say that for now, but we need to keep an eye on them." Jungyeon said.

"You know you Yoo's need to chill sometimes." I said.

"Yoo Jisoo, the 2 second younger sister of Jungyeon only listens to the Hunters Code, if I see suspicion I suspect." Jisoo said.

"Yeah, I know the freaking HUnters COde, it is kinda hard to forget." I said.

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