Chapter 12: Some Answers...

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We've been sitting here for hours now. Nayeon, Jihyo and Jungyeon started glaring at the three vampires and that's all they've been doing, well, and glaring at me. Tzuyu and Dahyun still haven't woken up... Chae stopped crying, but she hasn't spoken a word. Momo is still holding her face, while Sana, passed out on the couch... I don't know what to say or do anymore. Everything. EVERYTHING. Is wrong in my life.

I'm a hunter, yet I feel like a vampire.

What we're any of us going to do or say at this point? We barely knew what was going on. We barely knew anything. The rescue team left a while ago, not even bothering to check this treehouse. The silence was killing me. How had we gone this long without a word?

Then finally, someone broke the silence.

"Chaeyoung! Dahyun! Tzuyu- What happened here..." A man said as he walked in.

A woman followed behind him. They definitly didn't look like students, but more like parents- They are Dahyun, Chaeyoung and Tzuyu's parents arent they...

"A-Appa, E-Eo-Eomma..." Chaeyoung croaked out.


Within seconds Nayeon, Jungyeon and Jihyo were up on their feet, swords and weapons ready to attack.

"Hunters. Chaeyoung, you've been with hunters?!" The women exclaimed.

"How does this all happen on your first day of school?!" The man shouted.

I'm baffled. Right. It's still the vampire's first day of school. How does this all happen in one day?! The sinkhole, the bloodless and me... Why does this all happen today?

"Weapons down hunters, we aren't here to kill you, we're here to get our chilren." The woman stated.

Nayeon, Jungyeon and Jihyo didn't budge. It was expected though, hunters never listen to vampires, we're told to ignore any words they say as their words are unpure and should not be taken into account by pure ears. I realize now how absurd that teaching is.

The woman simply sighed and went over to Chaeyoung, while the man went to Tzuyu and Dahyun to check on them.

"Are you not even the slightest bit intimidated?!" Nayeon exclaim, most likely shocked at how these two parents we're being.

"Nope." Both parents replied.

This dumbfounded all of us, minus the parents themselves, of course.


"Chaeyoung, why do you reek of human- You didn't..." The womens said, her eyes suddenly whipping around the room, until her eyes settled on me, glaring into my ice blue eyes.

"Hemaphile..." She whispered under her breath, but I heard her loud and clear. Hemaphile? The heck was that? Was she referring to me?

"Jonghyun, get everyone out. It seems we have a trip to make..." The women said before getting up.

The man, Jonghyun, nodded as a respone and easily lifted TZuyu and Dahyun over his shoulders.

"Those who can walk, please do so, and please, hunter or not, follow us, we have much to disscuss." Jonghyun said.

No one in the room budged, minus Chaeyoung, who got to her feet shakily.

"Did no one hear what I just said? Are all of you deaf? Get up. Let's go!" Jonghyun shouted.

At this, finally some of us who hadn't been moving for the past few hours, specificaly Momo and I, got to our feet and followed Jonghyun as he walked out of the treehouse, shockingly, Nayeon, Jungyeon and Jihyo all followed behind us.

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