crash / dean

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Imagine: getting into a car accident with Dean.


"Let's take a drive baby girl." Dean whispered into your ear. Neither you or dean could sleep, so you lied together on the creaky motel bed.

"This late? It's 2:40 a.m." Dean didn't answer, causing you to laugh quietly. "Okay...fine."

You and dean slowly got up, stretching and groaning. Dean put on his leather jacket, while you threw on your hoodie.

Dean's car keys jingled as he grabbed them off the desk. He then grabbed your hand and led you into the cold night.

You jumped into the passenger seat as Dean hopped in the drivers seat, revving the engine.

"Good thing it's the weekend, this week has been stressing me out." You admitted.

"I'm sorry babe, maybe this car ride will clear your mind."

Despite the cool weather, you rolled down your window, letting the wind numb your face. Everything was quiet, it relaxed you, made you tired.

You let your eyes fall shut. You were almost asleep when something bright shone through your eyelids. Your eyes shot open as you looked over. Two headlights were nearing you.

"Y/N!" Dean screamed, before the ear crunching shatter erupted. Everything seemed to slow down. Glass specks flew as you felt yourself roll. You screamed loudly. Your arms flew high as you rolled again.

Your head hit the window as you rolled one last time, causing everything to blur.

The car finally stopped. You were hanging upside down, and your seatbelt constricted you. You shook your head as you undid the belt. Causing you to hit the glass covered cement head first. Luckily, you tucked your head in so you only got cut on your neck.

You looked over to see dean laying unconscious , his arms hung low and touched the road.

"Dean!" You screamed. His face was bloody and he had shards of glass in his face.

You checked for a pulse, barely there.

"It's okay baby. It's okay." You started to panic.
"Oh my god, no please!" You screamed. But that gave you an idea. "Cas! Cas, please!" You shrieked. No answer. "Please!" You cried.

You sobbed as you lifted dean's head up and unbuckled his seat belt. You grabbed his wrists and dragged him out of the glassless window.

There you saw the horrific sight, a semi truck, flipped on its side, dented vastly. The impala was totaled, flipped on its back, glass strewn everywhere. It was a wreck.

You blinked, causing things to blur, but you quickly regained your vision.

You started shaking dean lightly. "Dean! Wake up! Please!" You yelled.

You started to give him CPR, along with chest compressions.

After 6, you put your ear to his heart. "Cmon." You whispered. You continued doing the compressions after hearing a faint heartbeat.

Suddenly, Dean's eyes fluttered open. He coughed violently, bringing blood with.

"Oh my god. Dean." You cried. You hugged him tightly.

"B-babe, are you okay?" He asked.

"Yeah, y-yeah I'm fine." You said into his chest. "I thought I lost you."

"It's okay baby girl." He whispered. "Do you have any serious injuries? Did you hit your head?"

"Y-yeah. I think I have a concussion." You admitted.

"It's okay," Dean said. "We need to call 911."

You dug into your hoodie pocket, somehow, someway, your phone was there. It was shattered, sure, but still worked.

With shaky hands, you dialed the number and waited.

"911 what is your emergency?" A lady asked.

"Me and my boyfriend was just in a car accident..please send help."

"Okay, ma'am, do you see a street name?" She asked.

"Glendale?" A few seconds of silence.

"I'm sending help right away, is anyone seriously hurt?"

"No." And with that, you just hung up.

Dean held you in his arms. "I'm so sorry baby."

"It's not your fault. It's okay, I'm okay. You're okay. That's all that matters." You reassured him.

You and Dean sat in the middle of a wreckage, thinking about everything that went wrong.

Within a span of 10 minutes, something happened that could've taken the lives of innocent people. 10 minutes, and the love of your life couldn't be died. All it took was 10 minutes to change your lives forever.



lol k then.

cas why u gotta ignore people lol

so sorry for the spelling errors lol I got a new phone and it's very weird.

#prayfortmrfandom lol 2:50

anyways love you k byeee


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