drunk driving / castiel

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Imagine: Castiel saving you after getting into a car accident while drunk.


You couldn't breathe.

Not because of something cute that took your breath away or caught your breath as you walked outside into the wind.

No, you were dying.

You thought it was a bright idea to get a few drinks at the bar. Alone. You didn't want to deal with Sam or Dean. Or Cas for that matter. The bar wasn't that are so you thought, 'hey! Why not? I'm not even that drunk!'

Wrong. You were hammered. You didn't even see the truck that plowed right into you, causing your car to flip upside down.

Now, your ribs had punctured your lungs, your head throbbed, and your arm stood at a wrong angle. You thought about the boys. Sam and Dean. How they treated you like family. Protected you, cared about you. And you'd never see their faces again.

Then, all of  sudden, you thought of a certain blue-eyed Angel.


Your mind clicked as you called out to him, hoping, praying, he would answer.

"Cas!" You weakly yelled. "Cas...please help me. I need you." You whispered.

"Y/N?" A familiar deep voice asked. You looked up to see a blurred vision of the angel in a trench coat.

"Cas." You felt arms wrap around your shoulders, and carefully pulled you through the shattered window.

Cas slowly laid you down gently on the pavement. He rested your head on his lap.

"I have you." He placed two fingers on your forehead. You felt everything seem to mend together in perfect unison. Instant relief flooded you.

You quickly picked yourself up.

"I will be right back." He said and walked over to the smashed truck. An old man laid unconscious in the seat.

You brought a hand to your mouth.

I did this. You thought. The wind kissed the tears on your cheeks, causing you to shiver.

You saw Cas place two fingers through the cracked window. He stood unmoving, but in the blink of an eye, all the damage done was healed. Then, he was gone.

"He will have no recollection of what happened." Cas said as he walked towards you. He grabbed both of your hands.

"What are you doing Cas?" You asked and slightly giggled at his innocence.

"Am I making you uncomfortable?" He asked.

"No. Thank you Cas. I'm so sorry." You sobbed. He wrapped his arms around your waist.

"Dean taught me that you should hold a girl like this when they're sad. He even showed me how to position my hands." You laughed at the last part.

"I caused so much pain." You put your serious face back on.

"It is okay. I fixed it. Please do not drink and drive anymore. I love you too much for you to get hurt again." Castiel spilled.

"Y-you do?" You asked. Maybe you had a small crush on him.

"Yes. Even if you do not feel the same. I will always love you."

"I love you too, but how do you know what love is?" You asked.

"Dean explained the symptoms of love. And I have them. Every time I am with you, my stomach does this weird thing, and I just want to smile while with you."

Your heart melted as Castiel looked at you with puppy eyes.

You crashed your lips into his own. Causing him to stiffen a little, but kissed back. Cas pressed his tongue against your lips, asking for entrance. You parted your lips slightly, but he shoved his tongue into your mouth and explored.

Cas pulled you closer with his warm hands. You grabbed knots of his hair. And pulled on his tie.

He pulled away, only inches away.

"Did Dean teach you that?" You asked.

"I learned it from the pizza man."


pls don't drink and drive, your pet won't understand why you never came home.

also sorry for the last update but I love yousss.

i wanna give a shoutout to MsWalkerTalker and iamfulcrum because they've helped me through voting and commenting and helping me out so yeah :3

also, I am so sorry for the bad heated kissing. *whispers* ive never had my first kiss.

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