excuse me? / tfw

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Imagine: the boys saving your life from a demon.


"And...done." You said with a heavy sigh. The diner was all cleaned up, just like your boss had told you to do.

You checked the clock. 11:52 p.m. You were supposed to be home and hour ago, when your shift ended. You rolled your eyes when you realized you missed the last bus, meaning you'd have to walk home.

You quickly hung up your apron and threw on your hoodie. You grabbed your purse, and started to your apartment.

The cold wind kissed your cheeks as you walked down the street. Sure it was late, but your neighborhood was safe..right?

But something made the hair on your neck stand up. You felt..watched.

You shook your head and tried to convince yourself that it was all in your head.

You took a peek behind you. Nothing. But as you turned back around, you collided with someone, you screamed lightly. (how do you scream lightly? lol carry on..{my wayward sonnnn})

"Oh, I'm so sorry Ms. Ross!" You said after realizing it was your neighbor. Lived right upstairs. She was a kind lady, with 2 cats and had a stench of old people.

"Ms. Ross isn't home right now." Before you could ask questions, she blinked and her eyes flashed black. You gasped and stepped back in horror. Ms. Ross- 'it'- grabbed a thin blade out of her jacket pocket. You stood frozen in fear. (Run bitch runnn) She held the blade high above her head, ready to kill you. But just then, a shadow was behind her. The tall shadow drove a blade into Ms. Ross's back. She flashed orange and you swore you saw her bones through her body.

Her body fell with a thump.

A tall man with shaggy hair stood there, panting.

"Y-you just killed.." The tall man walked towards you but you backed up. You turned around, ready to  run, but a man with a trench coat and striking blue eyes greeted you. "Please don't hurt me! Take anything you want!" You screamed.

"Listen. We're not here to hurt you," you turned towards the tall man. "I'm Sam, that's Castiel, and that was a demon." Sam said pointing at Ms. Ross's corpse.

"Excuse me?" You raised your eyebrow slightly.

"It's true." Castiel said in a husky tone. You turned to face him. You started laughing.

"And let me guess, you two are angels. You said 'Angels' in a sarcastic tone whilst laughing. But they stood serious. "Oh no." You stopped laughing.

"Well, I'm an angel, he's human." Castiel said pointing to Sam.

"I was joking." You mumbled. They then proceeded to tell you about monsters, ghosts, vampires and werewolves. Even the famous demons. They explained all the supernatural beings. You stood baffled until they stopped talking.

"Well." You said when they stopped. "It's nice to know you both got your daily dose of crazy." You tried walking away but Sam stopped you and said,

"We're not crazy. It's true."

"For some odd reason, I believe you. I mean what else could explain her black eyes?" You smiled lightly but remembered that the demon got ahold of an innocent old lady.

"My brother, Dean will be by soon if you want a ride."

"Thanks, but you did just murder someone, so I'll pass." You laughed lightly. "My name is Y/N, by the way."

Sam smiled.

"Thank you. And Castiel. You guys saved my life."

"It's what we do." Sam shrugged. "Hey!" He shouted suddenly, digging into his pocket. He pulled out a flyer and ripped off a small piece of paper. He used a pen he had and wrote something on it. "Call me or Dean of you ever run into any trouble, got it?"

"Sure thing." You grabbed it and proceeded to walk home. You weren't sure if you'd ever see them again, but you were truly grateful.


that was so bad lol but I'm vvvvvv sick ok I'm sorry. #prayforevie2k16

no seriously, I'm dying.  so sorry for any errors

K byee love yous

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