Chapter 16

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Isabelle's pov

"Congratulations it's a boy!" The nurse hands me a small child. He fit perfectly in my arms. I smiled and grabbed for Ethan. Tears were running down his cheeks.

He bent down and rested his head on my shoulder just over our son's head. I cried with him.
"He's beautiful Isabelle." Ethan kissed my cheek with shaky lips.
"I love you so much." He whispered and ran a finger over our babies soft cheek.

"Can I hold him?" He turned to face me, his cheeks still damp. I nodded and slowly handed him the bundle.
He took him in his arms and smilied.
"Hey little guy." Ethan said, it came out as a little laugh, sob. I could see his eyes beginning to glass over with tears again.

"Hey.. I'm your daddy and that's your mommy." He bent down a little to point at me. His breaths were uneven and he looked as though he was having trouble keeping himself together.

A nurse brought a chair over beside my bed and Ethan sat down carefully. He moved closer to me and took my hand in his. Even though I was in mild pain, it didn't seem to matter because what was playing out before me was what mattered most.
"You're gonna be big some day and I'm going to show you how to ride a bike, throw a base ball, and swim." Ethan's eyes were red and his lips looked a bit swollen and red. He always gets like that when he's about to cry or has been crying.

Before handing the baby back to me he kissed him gently on the forehead.
"Caden West Dolan." Ethan mumbled while wrapping his arms around us both.
"I think it suits him." I whisper.

"Let me see that babyy!" Cam and the rest of Ethan and mines family barge into the room.
"Is it a girl?" My mom rushes to my side.
"There's a blue blanket around him. I don't think it's a girl honey." My dad follows my mom to my side and then kisses me on the forehead.

"Aww!" Cam stands behind Ethan and peers over his shoulder at Caden.
"He's beautiful!" Mrs.Dolan comes to my side beside Ethan. Knealing down on her knees she takes my hand in hers and smiles at me.
"Pretty cute." Grayson laughs while leaning on the end of the bed.
"I'd say so! What's the little guys name?" Sean (Mr.Dolan) asks.
"Caden West Dolan." Ethan says while smiling and standing to receive a hug from his dad.

"He's so little. Can I hold him?" Grayson says while reaching out his arms. I nod and gently place Caden in his arms.
"Wow." Gray breathes out.
"Someday you'll have a little one of your own." Sean claps Grayson on the back and almost immediately his face drains of colour and he passes Caden to Ethan.

"Hey I wanna hold him!" Cam says while rushing to Ethan.
"Yeah I'm the mother of the father I think I should hold him!" Lisa (Mrs. Dolan) argues.
"Hey technically I gave birth to the women who gave birth to Caden! I should hold him next!" My mom rushes to Ethan's side. Just as everyone stops paying attention I watch as Grayson backs out of the room with a weird look on his face.

Mky attention draws back to Caden just as Ethan hands him over to my mom. Her and Lisa both praise him.
I tug on Ethan's sleeve and he bends down to my level.
"Grayson just left.. he seemed upset or something. Can you go talk to him?" I whisper to Ethan.
"Well.. I don't really want to leave you and Caden. Can I ask my dad or yours to go talk to him?"
I nod and yawn, suddenly feeling very exhausted. I peer through droopy eyes as Ethan walks over to my dad and sean. He begins to talk to them and I see Sean frown. He nods to Ethan and then leaves the room.

Grayson's pov

I back out of the room and make my way down the hallway a bit. It was already very late so most of the lights were off. I decide that I don't know my way around the hospital very well so it'd be better to just stop and breathe in the hallway.

I lean against the pale wall. Closing my eyes I think about how much I want a family of my own.
"Grayson?" I hear my dad coming closer to me. He stops beside me.
"Why'd you leave? Is everything okay?" I look to my dad and smile weakly.

"Yeah.. I guess I'm just a little jealous." "Well I know it must be hard seeing your brother so happy but try to be excited for him." Sean pats my shoulder.
"It's not like that.. I am excited for him.. it's just I've been trying for years to find someone and I haven't had any luck. Then Ethan hooks up with one girl. Who happens to be his assistant and she ends up being his soul mate. It's just not fair dad.." I mumble and lower my head.

"Look Grayson. Life isn't fair. Ethan's been so focused on his work and he's built a steady life for himself. He deserves this. Now I'm not saying that you haven't built a good life for yourself or that you don't deserve to find that special someone but maybe you're looking in the wrong places."

He leans on the wall beside me and rests his head against the wall just as I had a few seconds ago.
"I don't know where to look though." I pout.
"Anywhere and everywhere. Heck I met your mom when I went out to the grocery store. We reached for the same cart of milk. Being the gentlemen I am, I let her have it though." My dad nudged me and laughed a bit. I smilied weakly.
"I'm gonna go back in, coming? " He peals himself from the wall and begins to walk away.
"Nah I'll be back in a bit. I just need to breathe a bit longer."

Ethan's pov

Everyone had left so now it was just Isabelle and I in the room with our baby.
"Sorry to do this but I have to take the little one for some tests." A small nurse walks into the room awkwardly and Isabelle hands Caden over to her.
She leaves and Isabelle reachs for my hand.

"Come here." She moves over a bit in the bed and then pats the spot beside her. Smiling I go to turn out the lights and then move to her side. Carefully I climb into the bed beside her. I lay a bit higher then she does so she can rest her head on my chest or arm.

Laying my head on my bent arm I wrap my free one around her chest. She yawns and then moves to wrap her arm around my torso.
"Isn't he beautiful." She whispers.
"Just like his mom." I whisper back.
"Oh stop itt." She laughs and then swats my hand playfully.

"Ugh I can't wait to get all healed up and start working on getting my body back." She plays with my fingers and I smile.
"You're gorgeous now. You don't have to do that."
"Ugh trust me I want too." She pretend barfs.
"Well I'll love you either way." I kiss her forehead.
"I love you daddy." She laughs and then grabs my face with her hands.
"I love you too baby." I kiss her and then watch as she nudges her head closer to me and closes her eyes. After a while her breathing softens and she falls asleep. I kiss her forehead one last time and then close my eyes.


Hey guys so I think there's maybe 2 more chapters left in this book! Idk yet. But seeing this books coming to an end.. should I start another one about a fan meeting the twins and basically a story about them meeting and falling in love?
Tysm for over 8k reads!! Wtf!! You guys are amazing! 💟

Update: The new Grayson fanfic is up. It's calles 'Angel g.d'

Love ya all💟


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